right,today i got to talk to the man himself,Rex Pile!!!, he has looked at my frame and it isnt 1 of his ramyams,he did a total of 22 conversions on the mick whitlock whitehawk frames,converting those to monoshock,hence the name Rex Auto Monos =Ramyam, he is of the opinion this is indeed a sammy miller frame,but i have a pic of an identicle bike to mine but with a sammy miller 1 piece tank and seat unit on,that Mick Andrews has verified as being a Ramyam 175 twinshock? I am lost!!!!surely Rex is the man who knows his own work,he sent me a couple of press pages with pics of his bikes,and they look nothing like mine in the footpeg hanger plates,they indeed still look like a whitehawk frame in that area,which they are originally,buggered if i know!!!!
you should have mail(if windows live mail is working,just upgraded!) let me know if you dont recieve it
many thanks for your reply,i would very much appreciate the contact details for rex,s brother,i did manage to find out rex pile produced the frame,but i still am not totally convinced its a ramyam as it does have a very period looking(worn,patina in antiques)sammy miller frame sticker on headstock,and the only frame stamping is the figures 150 on the left of headstock looking down as riding bike,i just want to know exactly what i have,was advised it was a sammy miller 1st,but then the guy said his miller frame had square section top tube and not round as mine is?this is a very(factory)standard quality frame,full frame not modded,excellent welds and chrome,very nice,as same flat footpeg hangers as a miller?have tried upload pics but no joy,can mail them to any 1s email address for verification? cheers 4 ur help
someone must know something???? Running out of ideas on info, any ideas on value? bike is in very good condition,but does have the normal steel TY tank,rather than the ugly ramyam plastic seat/tank unit,such a nice frame,but what an ugly tank unit!!!
hi, recently purchased a TY175,believing it to be a sammy miller chrome frame model,turns out its a RAMYAM 175, just looking for any information re the history of this bike/frame builder etc, engine dates as a 1976 ty175 C, i thought RAMYAMS were more renown for monoshock ty250,s?please feel free to correct me!! any help greatfully recieved
hi, have just purchased a 1976 sammy miller framed ty175, looking for any info regaurding this bike as i cant find a stitch on the web! many Thanks in advance for any help