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  1. tobster

    Ty 175 Carb

    nothing like reviving an old thread - what carb settings would be a good place to start with the VM26 on a TY175? I assume they are a straight bolt on replacement for the original item?
  2. tobster

    Ty175 Squish

    Hi. Can someone please tell me what the optimal squish is for my 1978 TY175 running on standard unleaded fuel? I plan on removing the head gasket as a starting point. I dread to ask but i will, what is the consensus on premix ratio using Castol A747 for trials riding??? Is Silkolene acceptable to Yamahas? That's it. Thanks
  3. Those are indeed all good & valid observations. Luckily I do like the bike.....
  4. Aha, out of interest what persuaded you it was not genuine?
  5. Scoria, it sounds Luke it might have been the same bike. Where did you see it and why didn't you buy it???
  6. Hi John. Sorry for the delay, but here are photos of my majesty As requested the rear shock upper mounting point the front and rear bash plate mounting areas plus for your interest (?), the frame (which is the same as the engine!! I notice that our rear shock mounting point is different....
  7. thanks for the links Andy and Jon. I'm not sure about carbon fibre on a 1977 bike but it's got to be better than the smell of burnt trouser
  8. Hi. I have a TY175 majesty with a WES exhaust fitted. My right leg gets mighty hot. I've heard people talking about adding a shield to the centre box but I don't think I've seen one. Can someone point me in the direction of an informative photo or provide me with details of what can be done??? Thanks
  9. also look at where it is located. Nice mountainous area. It may have led a hard life. And I havent even mentioend the high price for such an old bike
  10. aha, they look pretty much like John's photos, though his are a bit less yellow!!! I'll have to have a good took at my frame at those areas too - fingers crossed
  11. John, I will certainly take some pictures. Are you interested in close ups of any particular area?
  12. not at all, i was just interested what charley had seen to convince him that your bike is genuine. I too have a ty175 majesty (with a silver frame) and am always keen to other majesty's
  13. Charlyxty, I am interested what details were you picking up from those photos that convinced you that this is a real early majesty?
  14. I've been told 1.8mm equates to 20-22mm before TDC on the rotors surface. A bit of maths indicates this will be 17.6-19.4 degrees BTDC. The points gap had been a bit large and the strobe said 21 degrees. I've reduced the points gap and now it is showing 18 degrees. The engine is noticeably crisper now.
  15. tobster

    Majesty Colours

    thanks feetupfun. the one ive seen on ebay (#300852983996) does not have majesty written on the decal. Surely it should??? regarding painting the frame, is there a preference between plain paint and powder coating?
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