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  1. espen

    Your Bikes

    there's no team.. just me.. its realy a bad nick. have more photos. bu dont want to spam this post.
  2. 1st . Myrespiten, Hokksund -Norway 2nd.
  3. That was nice but it look's better Black.
  4. EuroSport are sending the Indoor Rounds.. .. Dont know about the other channels thou.. I and agree that it is to littel Trials on TV.. just that crapy footbal all the time..
  5. hey.. How fast do that 50cc Scooter go? I just wonder becaus in norway the Government tune the 50cc's down so they just go at 45km/h..
  6. I think the Mont would be a perfect bike for you.. it's a strong and reliable bike.. Are you gonna buy a New bike or a used one?
  7. HEY..! i want a sticker like that, where did you buy that one?
  8. I totally agree in that one.. Lampkin is a very good rider, and would won the World Campionship even with a Gasser...
  9. well, I have made a photo of the Montesa 03mod, I think that it's way nicer to look at then the original mont. and i have done the same thing whit my rear fender.. and it looks great.. the whole bike looks smaller.. so what do you guy's think??
  10. I think that the new Montesa 4-stroke can be an good bike, and as i can see the other Montesa bikes is very solid.. And if you look at the Gas Gas you would see that its not so solid as the Montesa, if you look at the photo you see what i mean..
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