I agree. And think I'll worry that the same thing is going to happen everytime I use it, if I don't find out why it happened this time.
Maybe it's just time to go back to a two stroke........
As I had a bit of time on my hands today, decided to have a slightly deeper look.
I took the clutch side case off, to look at the kick start mechanism (which seemed OK...) but put a spanner on the crankshaft nut to see if I could move the piston at all, and heard a slight mechanical noise from somewhere behind the clutch, and also saw the basket turn slightly at the same time.
The kick start can now be pressed down by hand, but haven't tried starting it due to not having the any oil until tomorrow.
So, it looks like when it stalled, it kicked back and jammed something in the kick start mechanisim.
Time will tell I suppose.....
Thanks for all the suggestions, and will definitely do the slow action throttle mod
When I took the carb off, I put a bung of clean paper in the manifold to stop anything getting in there, and removed it when I reffited it.
I've tried putting it in top (it seems to click go through all the gears fine) and turning the back wheel, but can't feel the slightest movement in either direction.
The only thing different I can think I did was put Aspen ethanol free petrol in it, because didn't think I'd be using it for a while, and it's not easy to drain any fuel due to the tap design, and difficult to access float bowl drain screw - who thought tucking the screw behind the exhaust where you can't get a screwdriver at it a good idea I wonder??
I've got a 2019 Beta 4T that I've had for a while, but don't get on with it anywhere near as well as I'd hoped.
It's not as docile as I expected (yes, I'm at the old duffer end of the sportsman class standard of rider 😁) nor very easy to start when hot, and runs very rich.
So, I took the carb off, and gave it to my local dealer to check that everything was right - jetting, needle, float height etc. to be sure.
I refitted the carb, and it started second kick, then as soon as warm put the choke in, and stood back listening to how nicely it ticked over.
Then out of the blue there was a loud 'clunk' from the engine as it stopped running, and now the it won't turn over at all. I can't move the kick start at all, with it having a very solid feel to it.
If the difficulty getting the carb off is anything to go by, it's probably a job for a qualified mechanic, but was wondering it this is something anyone else has experienced with this particular bike before I give up, and get expert help???
This won't help, but did almost the same thing while trying to 'clean' the rear brake.
I tried all the usual methods (and a few unusual ones!) of bleeding it, but before i'd ground my teeth away in anger and frustration called my local friendly dealer who laughed and said ''we get about two a week to do as they're swines - bring it in''
So unless you're the determined type who has to beat these thing's, and actually enjoy's wasting hours in a freezing garage covered in brake fluid, i'd go for option B.
It was the best 20 quid i've spent in a while!
As usual on this site i'm wrong so :-
Great boots, very comfortable, totally waterproof, top quality and highly recommended.
And no, the boot's in the pic aren't obviously and falling apart either!
Buy 'em and weep i say
Bye bye
I've worn mine about half a dozen times and not only the most uncomfortable footwear i've ever owned (including MX boot's) but have sort of 'delaminated' with the shiney surface peeling off and one buckle has now completly fallen off
They were also about as waterproof as tea bags!
Total rubbish and a waste of
I got mine secondhand from a Beta dealer.
But when i tried to sell it on ebay (as i changed to a newer GasGas) the only response i got was people telling me the part didn't exisist - despite the photograph etc - i suspect a futile attempt at getting it cheap!
The no. stamped on the head is 2 352C/1 with 1/2 below, then a pair of number 1's the other side of the plug hole
I had similar 'issues' with the power delivery of my '08 Rev3 270 and solved it by fitting a low compression head and matched more restricted exhaust mid section.
It made a huge difference. It removed the 'snappyness' and smothed out the bottom end making it far more novice friendly
See pic below the original on the right and the low compression on the left
Crudely measured (syringe and fuel) at 15cc and 22cc
But afraid no idea if or were you can obtain them in your 'neck of the woods'!
I had a 1973 twinshock DT 175 (in '76) and that had two spark plugs fitted when i bought it.
I left well alone, and just used it a a spare plug.
A fresh plug seemed to be necessary quite often in those days!
Pesonally i have no problem at all with what seems to be called 'pot hunting'
It wouldn't bother me if the class was full of closet clubmen and experts out for a win.
I wouldn't even notice them, i'd be too selfishly struggling away doing my own thing!
All i don't want them to do is to complain the route is too easy, and push to get it made harder in future to suit themselves.
The reason i asked the original ''who is the Sportsman class for'' was because i'd seen it tried, but have been reassured by the various C of C etc who have posted on here that they are aware of this sort of thing, and wouldn't let it happen.
That's dead on 100% what i'm trying to say.
Thank you for reading what i'd said and 'getting it'. i was starting to think it was me not explaining myself very well!
I bet your 70yr old doesn't complain that the C route is too easy, and try and get it changed though does he?
Which is my point!
No problem whatsoever.
It's the one's who choose to ride to Sportsman route, and then complain that the trial was too easy for them, and try and apply pressure to make the class harder that i'm talkig about.
Incidentlly, I often ride with a decent clubman, and whilst not on the same route we're still at the same section's together
Thank you all for such positive and sensible feed back.
I did think that maybe the opinion and need's of a 'mere Sportsman' would get short shrift!
I think the answer for me is to choose my events with care, and if necessary decline sections that look potentially painful.
Oh, and to practice!
Taking Scorpa Pete's point about awards, i didn't explain myself very well.
What i mean is, that if there is a recognized 'winner' of a class and goes on to be published anywhere (from a club result sheet, to the T&MX) that seem's to be enough to motivate some to try and 'win'.
And some are obviously happy to ride in a class below thier real ability to do it.
I honestly have no problem with riding in the same class, and being beaten every time, by people who are, and always will be much better than me.
I just don't want them to influence the severity of sections so as to suit thier ability, which can then spoil a trial for the less talented.
After all, even us 'wobblers' pay to enter
If riders want more challenging sections, there are always classes above that they can move up to, but there are none below for me and people like me to move down to!
Who is the Sportsman class really aimed at?
With my very limited experience of trials i assumed non-competitive, new or older riders wanting a non dangerous ride.
But i keep seeing what look like rather good riders taking the class very serious. This doesn't bother me at all, but am a bit botherd when i hear them complaining it was ''too easy'' and see they drop very few points.
If organisers heed thier complaints and make sections more difficult where do riders like myself (frankly a bit rubbish!) or new riders go??
For various reasons i just don't want to ever ride a section that requires skills i simply don't have to avoid injury.
Whilst they could easily go up a class, and maybe only come mid field rather than win, but surley they would still enjoy it?
So how about this as a solution. Sportsman class not even shown on the results, and no award's of any sort given?
Or if you finish top 3 one year automatically move up a class??
If it's considered i'm seeing a problem that doesn't exsist please tell me, but also please tell me how I get around it.
Practice more maybe?!
You're not missing a lot!
I assume it gets the 'double edition' tag because it has to cover 2 weeks, as there sure ain't double the content!
Loads of full page adverts and an eight page pull out that one big page folded up to make eight 'pages'
Try here - under 'technical info'
Like you can't feel any difference at all.
As everyone on here says, and have had it confirmed by GasGas only makes a difference at high rev's.
Suspect it's bit of a marketing ploy, and have heard it refered to as 'the bullsh*t button' by some!
A bit obvious, but why not the Hebo 1L tank designed for the purpose?
Fiddly to fit on a Beta,(due to the tiny breather design) but works a treat on a Gas Gas.
Failing that i've used a 1L fuel/oil mixing bottle designed for strimmers/chain saws etc. Less than a fiver from garden machinery places
Whilst poor spelling might not be a sign of dishonesty, buying off someone who gives themselves an ebay name of what really
amount's to 'buy it, sell it Del' would make me a tad nervous!!