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  1. Sorry Sprite125 Forgot contact info - email on martinet769@btinternet.com if you need to get in touch Ian
  2. Casing cut away is a good idea. Done it on all my Mont twin shocks since the early 80s. If you take care with stitch drilling the shape 1st it's a doddle or I can do it for you no problem. I do away with the lower tube and fit a proper spring loaded tensioner. You still need the top tube to keep the crud off the chain to take the place of a standard style chain guard but trust me a plastic tube will NOT stop the chain wrapping round the front sprocket if it snaps or comes off the rear. I can show you another trick to stop that if you want. Can email pics of mine if you want.
  3. def a fuel issue. Worked on car and bike engines most days for the last 35 years (old git) - if your timing was out, which is very, very unlikely on any Honda engine unless someone has been tinkering where they shouldn't, then you would have starting and power issues. It's surging because it's fighting for the right mixture - as a previous post suggested you probably need a good carb and filter cleaning session and while you're at it make sure theres no splits/perrished bits between carb and intake and that the joint and clip are in good nick. when it's back together make sure the idle screw is where it should be. depends what size pilot jet you're running but mine runs like a swiss watch set at 2 turns out give or take. Good luck
  4. Done zillions of these and my advice is DO NOT "poke" anything through the flywheel holes! - you run the risk of slipping and damaging the stator windings, or low tension wiring on the backplate. If you're going to "jam" anything then either put the bike in top gear and "jam" the front sprocket by putting the chain round it, it's not ideal but you can get away sometimes with locking the back wheel OR I find the safest and best way is to use a "strap" type oil filter tool (large commercial type best) round the outside of the flywheel and bingo - it's a doddle. Of course as the earlier post states no locking is really needed with an air nut gun - you can simply hold it with your hand. Good luck!
  5. Think you've already sussed this one, you maybe just havn't realised it! - I've had loads of Gaerne boots over the years and enough bad experiences with others to know that you just can't beat 'em. They always feel perfect right from the start for me - strong, flexible,comfortable,light. Without a doubt, go Gaerne Oiled Trials boots of the right size and you won't regret it! End of.
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