Here's that first decent bruise, Holding presure over a couple of truck tires, that I didn't get lined up for. Tried to correct on the way up but crossed up on the landing, on to my shoulder must have clipped the frame with my leg too. No gain without pain.
Found it. An extra wide joiner link had been used and it had an extra spacer on the back of it.
Replaced the joiner, problem solved.
Thanks, I'll look at a spacer.
Hi All,
I've got an 04 Rev3, and i'm having a problem with chain joiner link clipping the clutch bleeder valve, near the CS.
Any ideas on what I can try to fix it? I've adjusted the chain, swapped the clips so they both point out, and the circlips are facing back.
It only contacts under load and the CS seems to have a bit of slack in the cog is this normal? Any ideas appreciated.
You'll love it, I got my Rev3 about three weeks ago and it's wicked. Best thing i've ridden, improving my riding every time.
They'll go up anything, if you can stay on the pegs. Get yourself a DVD or 2 from Ryan Young, it will get your technique correct from the start.
Great tp see your back into bikes, where your passion is.
Hope your son has a good season, and the dealership goes well.
I've heard the Wins/Sells phrase, thrown around in motor racing circles. May not apply to Trials, they do it for fun.
I choose bikes on other criteria, like local product support, that and Italian quality . Still hope Dougie takes it up to the Spanish Duo this year.
Shame there isn't a production championship. I'd hate to see WTC go the way of Aussie Supercars (Touring Cars), and turn into a two horse race, on machines that bear very little resemblance to the production models.
I think the saying goes 'What wins on Sunday, sells on Monday'.
They can't win it, if they ain't in it.
It would be a shame to see them not fronting up with a team.
That's great advice, I'll follow them through for sure.
I picked up on the wide entry, and thinking ahead, for the most options on the exit, from the Ryan Young DVD's, I'll see if I remember in the heat of the moment. Seems a bit like the slow in fast out philosophy.
Sorry for all the questions, it's helped heaps. One last one for the moment. How long is the average section in minutes? To give me some idea of how fit I need to get.
I measured the pallets and a stack of 4 is 2ft, so they should provide a good challenge.
Thanks Paul. You've eased my fears about how challenging the first event may be. I'm looking forward to having the first go at Mirboo North in March, just got to get the club and licence bit organised.
I'm amazed at the torque that these bikes produce. Slowly learning to get more weight back and slow down on climbs, instead of scrambling up them like a trail bike. They seem to be able to climb anything if you can stay on the pegs and don't loop out.
Do you ever come down for any Vic events?
Yep, working towards that.
I stuffed it the other day in the wet, lost momentum. I think I hit to hard and rebounded, or unweighted to much on one of the first few steps and spun sideways into the shrubs. Then had to back out through the climbing rose , so learning to pop and stop on each step will be a handy skill.
Any ideas on a good pallet configuration, what types do you use for training novices?
How many pallets would be a good stack for starting to practice zaps and splats. I was thinking 3 stacks of 4 high in an L shape for a start.
Thanks Paul. That's a good link with some great info, the Ryan Young DVD's have been awesome too.
As for the slope, photos are deceptive for gradient. Drakey mentioned that the photo's don't do the gradient justice, angle of the trees is the indicator.
To give an idea of the gradient, I can clear the ditch and steep slope, from the drive up to the road, in 2nd and 3rd, but in 1st if you lose momentum it spins sideways. Too much momentum and you fire onto the sealed road 3m over the top or loop out.
I'll have to cut the grass down to have a go at turning on it (Suzy will be happy), it's a challenge to whipper snip too. It's about a foot long and swallows wheels.
I scored 5 pallets to start my collection yesterday for a decent step up set.
Beta for me. But all have their strong points.
Yeah, i'm finding it a great place for a blast. Great for the kids to start off too.
I have plans for another Blue Stone wall, a few tyres and a stack of pallets.
Met up with Drakey from down the road (1hr), and we get together for a bit of big boys follow the leader.
The steps were probably my biggest challenge but I cleared them once will have to do it twice more to make sure it wasn't luck. Drakey cleared them, after a 2 on the first attempt. My favourite moment yesterday was front hopping the Sea Saw pallet down, to ride on.
Thanks Jimmy, I think I need a 2ft high log to add in.
So far i've got a clover leaf of marker cones, on a slope.
A small 8 ft railway sleeper that has stabilisers.
A diagonal rocker pallet (Pallet wired to a pine post), good for practicing small front wheel hops and stopping for the rock, or holding pressure off.
Along with a few slopes of varying gradient between 5-60ft joined by a a 50cm wide, zig zag path, cut through the paddock. 10 Railway sleeper steeps on there edge, is one of my tougher challenges . Back to work on some more.
What's this like for training terrain?
Thanks, exactly what I was after.
I'm in Gippsland, Victoria, Australia.
Now to find some 2 ft obstacles.
Hi All,
I'm building a training section in the backyard, to get my skills up for the first comp's. Without being to an event yet, I'm building blind, and have a few silly questions.
How wide are the boundaries, on an average novice section?
What sort of obstacles am I likely to encounter?
What techniques should I be working on?
Does ayone have any pics of a novice section?
Thanks for the help.
Not as worried about the bruises, as breaking the bike .
Thanks all,
Yeah, i'm getting there with the track Drakey. I've cut the tracks over the paddock, still haven't got all the thistles though.
I'll pick up the pallets today and my bike tomorrow.
No family here on Sunday, unfortunately they are headed to Tatura for a few days.
I'll still be here getting some more house painted or is that building sections. A big see saw over the fence is next.
C U Sunday. They don't call them Beta's for nothing Drakey .
Thought I may run into you. Just keepin' a global toe in the water.
Hi All,
I'm in a little place on the SE tip of the Australian mainland, called Mirboo North. 2 mins from the forest, with a big hill in the backyard.
Been riding since 7, growing up on a NZ Sheep Farm.
I'm a trials virgin, but always wanted to have a go at it, after watching the next door neighbor ride over a 44 gallon drum on a TL125. We used them for mustering.
Past bikes i've had, have been an Yamaha Mx80, XL100, XR200, RD250LC, GPZ900R. Currently i'm riding a 06 DRZS set up for Dual Sporting and the latest is a, Beta Rev3, the the best thing i've ever ridden.
I think it was the quickest I have ever fallen in love with a bike. I reckon I was fishing for my deposit within the first minute of the test ride. I'll pick it up today or tomorrow, the kids 125 Oset will be here today hopefully. I think I have found another passion.
Thanks for having such a great resource for us to learn from.