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  1. lucky7s

    Power Reeds?

    hi all been looking at power reeds on ebay just wondering if anyone has used them and what they are like???????
  2. HAHAHAHA!!! *In best Nigerian accent* No....of course not! Now if you'll just email me your bank account details, i'll send you the prize money..... Many thanks for helping me out. I'll get an order in with ERE and PM you with the details
  3. Hello all! I'm after a favour *grins* I want a decals kit for my gas gas txt and i've seen the ones on offer from E.R.E-Online in the states and set my heart on them. Problem is, i emailed Geoff Aaron about getting them sent over here and he's advised me he wont post them internationally. Would anyone be prepared to take delivery of them in the US and post them onto me if i cover shipping costs? Would really help me out. All the best, Lucky
  4. Tried all of the above - thanks for the suggestions guys. 10 minutes riding though and it was on fire again. Traced problem to a slightly warped disc....Grrrrr! Got one ordered from BVM so its thumb twiddling time again *edit* or so i thought....just had the disc checked for flatness at a local engineering place and its apparently fine. Losing the will to live now
  5. The guy i bought it from mentioned something about the rear brake but i was too busy drooling over my shiny new bike to pay much attention He fitted a braided rear line though, so i suspect its a problem he was having too, with possible hose failure consequences much like your own. Thanks very much for the tip - i'll be having a look in a bit......off work today and its good weather for riding so would be nice to take the bike out
  6. Took my txt out for a shakedown yesterday to see how it goes (only got it on monday) and after about 20 mins of riding the rear pads were smoking hot and the caliper was siezed solid. Managed to get it cooled off before the pads lit up..... by peeing on it bit low tech i know but it worked! Hooked the pads out to have a look at whats causing the binding issue, and found all four pistons to be moving freely so i took the lid off the fluid reservoir and tried to push the pistons back to get the pads back in, as you would with most braking systems. Problem is, all thats happening is that as you push one pot back, the other one on that side of the caliper pops out. Doesn't seem to be pushing the fluid back up the system. I'm stumped - is there a non return valve in the master cylinder or something? I've managed to get the pads back in by cracking off the bleed nipple and pushing the pistons back but i'm now gonna have to rebleed the system....not an ideal solution really. Any suggestions welcomed
  7. Bit of a bummer that! Does anyone do chintzy sticker kits for the txt then? I had a search online and the only ones i could find were the ERE-Online team kits, which look ok and are cheap at $50US (I guess about
  8. Perfectly legal that.......as long as you dont forget to pay the duty on it Apparently if you add ethanol and have the engine set up for it, it runs as well as normal diesel. The downside is the exhaust smells like a chippie! I paid 1.19 a litre in huddersfield at the weekend - getting beyond a joke now really.
  9. Hi all! Quick question. I've just bought a 2000 TXT 280 and i fancy sprucing it up by blacking the frame and putting a Radycool graphics set on it. Can only find the graphics for the pro series bikes though - anyone know how compatible (or not) the stickers will be with the TXT frame??
  10. Hi all, Been doing some work on the brakes on my techno, and decided to renew the master cylinder seals etc on the front brake and strip and clean the front caliper (which is a brembo, not AJP for some reason - is this right?). Ordered the relevant AJP kit part no.,AJP006FBKIT but on arrival its totally different to the one thats fitted already even though i gave BVM the bike year and details. On inspection it seems to be a different master cylinder from others that i've seen on the techno, and looking on BVM's parts website, the piston that matches the one in mine is described as 'AJP 12mm seals kit - part no. AJP008/12MC and has a beefier spring arrangement and non bellows type gaiter. The current piston on my master cylinder slides right out of the body, which i'm pretty sure is not right as i would've thought there should be a circlip or something retaining it as on the clutch side. The pic on BVM shows a circlip as part of the 12mm kit but I cant see a groove on the piston for one and i cant visualise how it should go together. Am i missing something here? Anyone got any ideas? I'm stumped lol!
  11. I think MB riders have less grief to contend with purely because its non motorised sport, and not percieved as being a danger by the public at large, although a pedestrian was killed around here last year after being hit by a guy on a downhill bike. You can at least hear a trials bike coming before it mows you down . Also, i dont think they pay so much mind to permission etc....they just find a spot and get on with riding it. As far as the legislative aspect goes, to my way of thinking, if more kids were actively encouraged to take up some form of sport, be it trials, MB'ing or whatever, and weren't slapped down at every opportunity as they are now, there would be less of them hanging around the local shops with their hoods up and a bottle of cheap booze in hand causing a nuisance. What would the cost be of some sort of goverment led scheme be, when offset against the likely drop in police time, court time, social workers time and associated expense these things lead to? Would probably pay for itself. This country is proof that we reap what we sow.
  12. Its on ebay - This is the listing: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...A:IT&ih=022 What you think?
  13. Doubt it would make a blind bit of difference to be honest - many people A) hate to see other people out enjoying themselves and have an irrational dislike of all thinks motorcycle. For example....this happened to me and Austin yesterday.... We were riding down a paved track, as we do a couple of times most weeks, to get to one of spots we ride ( a disused M.O.D. site). We were trickling along so not causing anarchic mayhem or such like, when an old guy in a parked mercedes swings open his door (causing me to take avoiding action and swerve around it). Then came the inevitable 'Oi!-ing' which i ignored and kept riding. He then got back in his car and drove up behind us, at which point, on the assumption that he was going to try and nudge us off, i lit off into the surrounding woods, but Austin stopped to see what he was after and it turned out that he owns the part of the track outside his house and he objected to us using it. His objection was along the lines of ' I pay for this drive to be maintained and i dont want it damaged'. Quite how 2 80kg trials bikes are going to damage a concrete track is beyond my physics skills, but i dont suppose for a second that the local police - who also use the site for riot control and firearms training, and use the same track for access in their several riot vans - get the same treatment...... Today, we were riding on another disused M.O.D site (there are a few in these parts) when a nice S.A. guy came over to us and apologised profusely for the fact that his farm owner boss had complained to him about the noise and wanted us to move on. We pointed out in the friendliest way possible that it was M.O.D land and not his bosses, and that the police had given us advice that we were ok to ride there, at which he said 'No worries, he just told me to come tell you guys - he's a bit of an a**hole and he hates motorbikes'. Turned out the guy was an enduro rider so we chatted for a few minutes and did our bit to promote trials riding as the superior form of riding My point is that some people are just like that, no matter how quiet you are or how sensibly and considerately you ride
  14. lucky7s

    Trials Game

    Won't work for me either I get the 'Java Starting' message after i downloaded it from the link posted earlier, but thats as far as it gets - no game screen at all. It shows as running in the Java control panel though, so i'm stumped. Do you need a specific Java version to play it through? Mines standard edition 6 v1.6.0 which is the most recent one i think.
  15. Looking at a kit that's meant to be for 98/99 Techno but mines a 97. Would there be much difference, or is it just gearing etc.? The kit spec is as follows: Rear spkt is Renthal 146 40 teeth ( Talon TR201 ), Talon front spkt TG445 11t & RK Japan chain 102 Links. Has anyone had any experience of an RK chain on a trials machine? I know Renthal is the chain of choice for most forum users here but they're a bit pricey for my limited budget. I know RK supply OE on many road bikes (Honda's for one) - just its always nice to hear something from someone who's used one on what i intend to use it on, before i blow my hard earned on a fools errand Finally, price......is the
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