So in the Uk should I run super unleaded?
my 97 315 has a new 04 carb on and runs great except a little 'knocking ' at certain revs. mixture screw is 3 3/4 turns out as per manual?
I have just returned to trials after 10 yrears away. Like you I didnt have a clue what to buy.
I took loads of advice and ended up with a 315r mont.
2nd choice would be a scorpas.
Stay clear of gas gas(poor build, nowt fits , not made to last.)
Also every trial I have been to, someone has been pushing a Beta and most have trouble with water leaks.
Go to a trial and talk to people and ask what is for sale.
Good luck.
Hi I was advised 3 and 3/4 for my 97 with an 03 carb ?
Hardwick hall Sedgfield.
Castleside Quarry
Where are you in Durham.
I am in Sherburn.
Hi all, just returned to trials after a 10 year lay off through illness. Just done my 3rd trial and a big thankyou to all who have welcomed me back Michael, Micky, Mark to name a few .
My point is, yes its ok when you are trialing for years and know all the venues, its easy to find, but for me, and lads new to trials its a bit hard to find the venue.
So my appeal to you is list the full adress, or at least a postcode /google earth map/or nearest postcode.
I know contact numbers are posted but few seem to answer and none have replied.
Also, no indication of standard is posted ,eg I have only ever rode 'easy'
My first trial was a championship trial, second ,no easy, third timed ,and no easy. dont get me wrong, I did them and tested myself more than ever a DNF, Last finisher and a 4th from last finisher has given me a taste of the clubmans and maybe that is where I will stay,but my plea is, let us know venue post code and standard, that is all .
Thankyou, Dom
Hi, have a go yourself!
I have just rebuilt some for my fs1e and its not that hard.
Just be methodical,do some research on the net and have a go.
1st took 2 hrs, 2nd took 35 mins within 2mm true, very satisfying.
are you running the correct 80/1 oil mix?
too much oil will dirty the plug
thankyou,been there but only just realised that I had to download new adobe
sorted now ,thankyou.
Hi all finally bought a 315 to get back into trials
been trying to get my licence but cant download the form or even see it!
Help,tips links etc pleeeeaaassse!
It transpired it was the mains rumbling!!
walk away!!
thanks those who replied and pm'd me
Hi I have been to see an o1 mont, looks like its had an easy life and was really keen till he started it, the top end was quite noisey with a vibey whirr noise, is this normal, or piston wear or something more ominous
The bike otherwise is nice and runs/pulls well.
worst case how much to remedy.
Quick reply apreciated
Cheers,will wait to see if I get the bike first.
Hi all me again!
been offered a TYZ 95 model ,present owner since 97.
Now I hear its a bit top end rattly, can these be rebored or does it need a sleeve in.
Also do these hold value as well as ty's
When you arrive at the trial, look for someone similar age,bike and start a conversation.Let them know its your first one and your not sure of the etiquet. If they are decent, they will probably invite you to ride with them.
Remember, noone will laugh at you (unless my wife is there) should you fall off.If its a big lap, call at the car for a drink and a breather, most of all, enjoy it, then come back on and tell us.
Thankyou for your pms.
unfortunately missed that bike. It sold for 520 pounds,but I didnt have the time to look (it was200 miles away, and didnt want to buy blind,good tips for future ref though,thankyou
Its a 250, but its miles away. I would have had a punt if it was cheap enough, but price a bit high now!
Hi, I am hopefully going to see a 98 techno this week. It is up for around
Cheers Lads.
what about a 98 beta techno,looks canny,Under
I had some sidi mx boots. bought them to ride my road bike(
Cheers lads, bike sold for
Hi all. I am searching round looking for a bike to get back into trials,and have been to a few to watch and crack on with a few lads about what bike is suitable.
The last bike I wobbled around (and I mean wobbled) was a gas gas contact. I was fancying another but lots of people have said they are a bit flighty and unreliable?
most recommend rev 3 s ,a couple have said scorpas,and yesterday ,a lad said get an old TY, ideal he said?
Also have the chance of a TYZ for
Hi .I have the chance of a 2002 beta 200. but. the guy says the bike runs ok but is a bit knocky on the top end?
Q is this at worst a rebore and how much will it cost,do they have to be sleeved ? where and how much should bits cost?
Im in the north east.
colgate should do the trick,or you could soak in a bucket of sterodent
We would die without them!
If you have a healthy diet,5 a day etc you do not need extra vitamins to ride, now carbs .........