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Everything posted by ryanroz
  1. Thanks @lemur. I get all that, just looking for what the stock jetting was on a 2019 125 or a new GasGas 125. The 125 is no longer sold in the USA
  2. Hello, I recently picked up a used 2019 GasGas 125 for my son and I can tell someone has been into the carb. Can someone please tell me what the stock jetting is for a newer 125 with a Keihin at sea level and what jetting they typically use? Thanks!
  3. Hi I was looking at some of the past forums and there were many recommendations for Magicals fork springs and shock, however there website looks like it is down: http://themagicals.co.uk/ Does anyone know if they are still in business or where can you buy them at? Anyone have a contact email or phone number to the company? Thanks!
  4. If you are a local intermediate, I would recommend the clubman line. The sportsman line is between Advanced and Expert at local events. AMA Rules 2011 AMA/NATC SUPPLEMENTAL MotoTrial RIDING RULES Rev: 1/10/2011 10:16 AM Page 2 of 13 1. RIDER REQUIREMENTS A. Rider Qualifications: 1. Riders must be 10 years of age or older and of advanced or expert caliber, Riders of lesser skill shall ride only the clubman class, novice or beginner riders shall not enter. 2. The entry secretary may request a resume of any rider
  5. Lots of Rocks and Hilly CLICK HERE FOR THE FLYER
  6. ryanroz

    Clutch Mods

    I have heard of putting a longer front brake arm to give more leverage to pull the clutch actuator. But, have any of yall done this? Modify the operating spindle, and flywheel cover, to accept a needle roller bearing, which can be easily lubricated, which greatly reduces friction and improves clutch action substantially. http://www.classictrial.co.uk/bultacodevproject.html If you have done this, how did it work for you? Also, do you have any tips if you did this mod yourself? What size bearing, how did you machine it, etc? Thanks, ryanroz
  7. Hughs bultaco sells a carb adapter conversion plate here in the US. http://www.buybultaco.com/Merchant2/mercha...egory_Code=CARB http://www.buybultaco.com/Merchant2/mercha...egory_Code=CARB Depending on which Dellorto carb you got from the 2003 gasgas (round or flat slide) you may need the rubber adapter to go into the air side (Gas Gas part)
  8. Has anyone been able to watch trials video's from the MAV TV website? For about the past year their website has said, "were currently updating this area, check back soon"
  9. ryanroz

    Modern Mods?

    Some of the best mods I have found: Use a front brake actuation arm from a frontera for the clutch actuation arm. (this changes the caming point so you can slip it better) Barnette Fiber clutch plates. Use frontera footpegs, they are wider and longer. If you don't want to use stock bultaco footpegs, it is best to reposition them further back and lower. If you are not lucky enough to have a 199a/b, sammy miller hi-boy frame, you can cut the frame rails from below the engine and weld on some brackets to the frame, and put a aluminum skidplate on the bottom (this give you better ground clearance, and a stronger skidplate). Use a 250 flywheel on the 350s (both magneto and primary side) Use a modern carburetor the dellorto from a gas gas and sherco work well. (100main, 34/36 pilot) Electronic Ignition. (use a auto condenser if you are going to use the points ignition) Falcon Shocks Create your own dual rate springs for the front forks, if you do not have a 199. Sammy Miller Repackable mid box exhaust. If you have a 199a/b, (bore it out to a 360), no replacement for displacement!
  10. Wayne is right; the Ford Mustang has a condensor that uses a similar capacitive value; just make sure you use one that has the same capacitive value or a little bit larger and you will be ok. The reason why I use the Ford Mustang condensor is because the physical size of it is rather small, just a little bit bigger than the bultaco OEM condensor. Any auto parts store that sells Bosch products on the other side of the pond should be able to at least order you one I would think. Maybe a old MG, Mini, or VW Bug Condensor would work, you would have to do some research.
  11. Try using a condensor for a 1964/65 Ford Mustang from advance auto parts or auto-zone. Mount it on the frame by the connection terminal block. They last longer, spark hotter and they are cheaper than the bultaco condensors.
  12. ryanroz

    09 Natc Season

    I seen that the 2008 year end meeting highlights make the following statement: We adopted a special format like has been done at the Sooner Cup and elsewhere for the rounds at the TN venue. Can someone explain in detail what this special format is? I havent rode nationals for a couple years and I'm going to ride some this year. Thanks in Advanced!
  13. ryanroz

    09 Gasser

    http://www.trialstribulations.co.uk/page14.htm Looks like the white frame only comes with blue plastic and special order only I wish it was a white frame with red plastics. I'm not too crazy about the Red Frame.
  14. ryanroz

    09 Gasser

    munch Posted May 30 2008, 08:16 AM 280 only and ltd numbers. munch, how do you know it will be the 280 only and ltd numbers? Who did you find that out from? Or where did you hear that? Thanks, I love the white frame, it would be cool if they offered it with red plastic thou. Blue is ok.
  15. Has anyone used the Sammy Miller Bultaco Sherpa T Main Box Exhaust? I seen that it was aluminum and repackable. If you have used it, what kind of performance increase did you see if any? Any other knowledge of this product would be appreciated as well. here is the link for it: http://products.sammymiller.co.uk/store/st...?stock_index=16 Thanks
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