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Everything posted by borus
  1. borus

    TR 280

    You can go back to older maps, some people don't want the power increases. Ossa factory provides the maps to the importers. Dealers with the correct software and hardware are the only people who can load maps and run diagnosis. Running the diagnosis program on an effected bike is also part of the warranty criteria. You cannot create your own map.
  2. borus

    TR 280

    P10 is the latest map and imo everyone should base their motor performance, starting and power opinions on this map if you can. Of course more maps will be coming so it's not a fixed target. What you experience today could change with the next map or eventually what you experience on one particular Ossa would be totally different on another simply due to what map they have loaded or chosen. We have had three improvement maps since February. So, anyone having tried the bike previous to last few weeks needs to check it out again. Or, you can try a bike with the high comp. head which comes with a racing map written specifically for the bike and ECU VIN numbers. That is what is on my bike. As far as any issues, so far this thread has mentioned a few that have been long since resolved by the factory. Product feedback comes from ORT and the importers.
  3. borus

    1970 Plonker

    Just a guess but it sounds like you need to check the shimming on the tranny. Also I believe there is about 3 small roller bearings that your might want to take a look at plus any other obvious defects. There are also specs for the shifter forks and drum. In all until all is within specs it's hard to really say for sure. One other item to check is when fitting the cases together the shifter spring can get into the wrong place and simply jam up the works. You can see this with the clutch case off and sometimes pop it into the right location with a screw driver through the kick start shaft hole.
  4. The MCC has been asked to donate with a cc to the TDN Advisory Panel and Team, as everyone else has. Hopefully the MCC will agree that a Canadian TDN Team sponsorship is within their "Mission and Objectives". Representing your country is truly an honour. Now, I see the WTC has formed a council, I assume your sentiments toward the TDN team are shared by the council and your decision not to support the team was democratically vetted through the council? Who decides what happens to the donation from the MCC? Is it the council or is this something you will poll your members about? If the WEC / WTC wants to become a sanctioning body then I would suggest total transparency and accountability will be insisted upon. We know now that the MCC is not a sanctioning body.
  5. Just make sure everyone knows - I will respond to any questions regarding the TDN Team, its Advisory Panel with representatives from across Canada and it open system for applications and selection - I am willing to do so at any time. You know who your representative is, let him / her or me know directly how you see it as flawed and we'll certainly put it to the Advisory Panel and if accepted to the CMA Board for approval. You want the top riders at your WTC events, same riders are on the TDN team or may be on the team in the future. I think it is a very positive suggestion from Spencer for these funds meant to support Canadian trials to be directed toward the TDN Team. I might just give the MCC a call again to discuss. Thanks Steve.
  6. Copied from the Home site of the WEC: "World Enduro Canada is an off road motorcycle race promoter that is pleased to announce their association as a sanctioning body and promotion partner under the umbrella of the Motorcycle Confederation of Canada (MCC). WEC will be responsible for Enduro, Cross Country and Observed Trials competition across Canada." Copied from the WTC tab on the WEC site: "As of February 12th, 2011, the trials division of the WEC will now be recognized as WTC--World Trials Canada." Have said that the MCC is not a sanctioning body and is not-for-profit but is only an advocacy group. In addition on the MCC web site the WEC is not listed under non-profit organizations, it is listed under dealers / promoters who are for profit businesses. ___________________________________________ Sorry, maybe I have misunderstood something here. Where do the profits go from the Summerland event this year? Again, we don't make these things up, they're there for everyone to see.
  7. We're trying to learn and understand about your organization. We (the major clubs) have made our decisions based on some answers or lack thereof so far from the WEC / WTC. Please remember that the WEC made a presentation at our Ontario Organizers meeting two years in a row. At the second meeting I respectfully asked everyone to give the WEC proposal some positive thought. Needless to say, the WEC did not prevail. As far knowing about your organization. I had a personal meeting with the WEC back in 2008 for about three hours to better understand what they were about. I also have numerous conversations with the MCC and the head of their competition committee. I have also had extensive interviews with the CMA. I have passed all that information along to all who want to know what I have learned. Please remember you are not the only source of information but you appear to be the only ones who are not comfortable with questions. Has anything changed? Please let us know so we can make an new informed assessment. We're always open for discussion. As always, a thorough assessment will be made and discussed openly by everyone.
  8. All good stuff, this topic has been on public record in the past including the WEC/WTC's response to any questions put their way regarding their venture. Trialscanada, moderated by My. Johns, has unfortunately deleted them and others. There was some great information in those threads that probably would have stood the test of time. Only he knows truly why he deleted them. Well anyway, it's back in public record and hopefully here to stay. I'm with Spencer, keep up the good work and if you ever get the point where your a credible sanctioning organization ready for the work load we'll be more than interested to take a good look at it. One of the least understood areas in trials or any motorcycle sport is the high level of work a sanction body has to do. Build your proposal, put the necessary infrastructure in place and get ready for questions and tremendous work load. Please note that when we ask questions it's not an attack, as you do, we also have the best interest of trials at heart. Sincerely Bob Billyard - Canadian TDN Team Manager
  9. Now were getting somewhere, should I copy and paste the questions into an e-mail or can you do that? Please send to me directly and I will discuss with my club exec's. How much more of an invite can you get. If you want to run to show then let's see what you got?
  10. Dave and Steve - talk to the largest clubs and maybe they have questions too for your venture. Matter of fact i know you have done this and you have been turned down. Who's knocking anything or running anybody down, just answers the questions, until then it's all fluff? You may view my questions as knocking you but when you don't have the answers I can understand your backlash. If you want backing from anyone, including me, then just show us you can do the job. Then we can decide what the right course is. Right now I'm waiting on results and answers. I've seen neither. You've had the same response every year that you have been asked questions. You get defensive. I spent many hours hours grilling the CMA on their operation, never a defensive word, only received professional fowardlooking answers. HMMM I'll always remain open to consider new concepts, but don't take me for a fool on free candy.
  11. Ok, you brought it up, how about some answers. Right now you are for profit promoters. However...let's hear you out on this public stage. Here are some functions of a sanctioning body - how will the following be administered if you ever become a true sanctioning body? The reason I ask is the WEC has been using that promise since 2008. We're waiting to see more than just promises. Please layout how the WEC plans to manage each for the bullets below which requires full time work involved in being a credible sanctioning organization. FIM Affiliation - We've heard that the MCC / WEC will affiliate with the FIM since 2008 - what is the time table, give us details? Provincial Championships National Championships Rules
  12. borus


    why would anyone want their name on here, just look at the last thread. simply let them get on with their business.
  13. This thread has absolutely no upside and has obviously hit on a sensitive issue. This is wide open for negative speculation. Should have been deleted imo and why a non-forum member would have their name mentioned here in a negative light, omg????. Private conversations should remain private. Wait till the factory officially communicates. My guess is Ossa Factory will communicate when appropriate any changes to principle people on the team. ( I do remember the factory communicating on a number of topics in the past only to get bashed anyway. Dammed if you do and dammed if you don't) It's very easy to get on a forum when you haven't a nickle invested and stir the pot. How about you all give them hand for a great debut in the X-trial Championships, sure made for interesting viewing, and look forward to a very competitive WTC. Stay positive.
  14. On behalf of the Team - Thank you - click me Bob Billyard - Manager
  15. copied from the CMA site: CMA NAMES TEAM FOR 2011 TRIAL DES NATIONS - March 28/11 The Board of Directors of the Canadian Motorcycle Association is pleased to announce that the following riders have been appointed as members of the Canadian team which will attend the FIM Trial Des Nations, World Championship for National Teams. The event will be held in Tolmezzo/Udine, Italy on September 17, 18. Devon Kenneth D'Argis, Victoria, BC Will Duggan, North Cowichan, BC Jonathan English, Foxboro, ON Jordan Szoke, Brantford, ON There will be no women's team this year. (I will also add Jon Nelson of Thunder Bay ON will be a minder.) congrats to all!
  16. Ossa has a lot of talent and expertise on staff such as Dani Oliveras.
  17. borus

    290 not running...

    check spark and then the stator.
  18. borus

    ossa in difficultie

    Thanks, what I am told is Derby moved to Italy on a better offer, with Ossa on the cusp of their new enduro you can only imagine the offers they might get to move and expand their facities.
  19. borus

    ossa in difficultie

    It's common for any company in any country to welcome government money. There's nothing more coveted by government is to see their constituents working and paying tax dollars. "Ossa Difficulty"?? - I think should read "Ossa using standard business practices". Maybe they should set up shop beside JTG, seems there R&D and government money available in their province.
  20. borus

    ossa in difficultie

    Can't find the article?
  21. The "FIM North America" (formally NAMU) Trials Championship has been announced. Rounds 1&2 in conjuction with the NATC Penn. rounds and 3,4&5 in conjuction with the Tenn NATC rounds.
  22. borus

    New Ossa!

    (point) .9% = 110:1
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