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Everything posted by borus
  1. borus

    3.2 Vs 2.9

    the 4t is a blast to ride, loads of power, not sure it would improve an average riders performance, but will help an expert rider. i had all but decided to get one, but decided to give the 301 kit a try, don't know why sherco isn't producing the 301 cause it's great and quite different from the 290 (272). maybe sherco doesn't want it competing with the 320 sales? hmmm. can't go wrong with the 4t unless you need to tone the power down a bunch, if you do then stick with the flexible 2t. cheers
  2. i had felt that it was both rebound and compression while fine tuning mine but i confirmed it with ryan young and it is both cheers
  3. there is also a dampening adjustment located from the left side just past the chain tensioner, start it at 5-6 clicks out or counter clockwise. turning it in will increase dampening. cheers
  4. borus

    Map 1, Map 2?

    map 1 - less power, personally, i can feel the difference on the 2t cheers
  5. most of the principles in the "keihin pwk tuning link" i posted will greatly help you out,
  6. borus

    Keihin Pwk Tuning

    click me if you want tuning suggestions cheers
  7. update, from my dealer and ryan young - the 290 cylinder and piston will fit on the 250, a 290 head will be required, the 250 head won't fit. cheers
  8. yep, make your tdn offers to the top placing riders of that year in the nationals, until we get to that level the manager will have to make the offers to the top riders cheers
  9. i used a dremel to grind 1mm away to leave a thickness of 2.5mm. it's the inside ledge that is reduced to allow the piston to lower into the case, not the outside casing. to limit the grindings from falling to the case i drained the oil and flipped the bike upside down by partially hanging it from the swingarm by the garage joist. a very small amount of grindings actually made there way into the case but they're smaller than the normal metal swarf you would see on a new bike run in. cheers
  10. after thinking on this for a few days i do feel the principle of trials riders in canada uniting under a common sanctioning body certainly makes sense and i can support that. the mcc has it's work cut out for them to sustain a workable system, develop governing rules and of course enforcing them and obtaining fim recognition. a tall order for sure. let's make sure we set the table for the young riders to progress, they are the most important. now i'm trying not be negative, just realistic, holding a national round in the east and west every year will not be sustainable. you may get attendance year one but soon enough asking riders to travel across the country both ways every year will be too much. as a suggestion or constructive input, hold a two day national in the east in 2009 - (the west guys travel) - hold 2010 2 day in the west - (the east guys travel) etc, etc. please take baby steps. why do we need two rounds 4000 km apart. it just seem too ambitious. cheers bob billyard
  11. the 290 cylinder wall thickness is 3.5 mm and the 301 cylinder wall is 2.5mm, so i removed 1mm, a very small amount, it didn't take that long once i got the nerve up to do it. it's jsut the ledges that the cylinder butts up against. (i couldn't control the 290 caby with stock timing, it simply had expolsive power in that setup). so, i decided to put the timing back to stock by advancing it 2.5mm. well, the 301 has more power and grunt but still controllable. i've put about 5 hours it now, i;m starting to feel it beginning to run in and the timing will be staying stock. most of what i've read over on the gg forum about comparing 300's to 280's and 250's is true. large power and grunt with loads of traction but controllable. i'm finding my practice obstacles and sections easier to ride, i think i'm finding alot of confidence in the bike. cheers
  12. just did some checking and the 250/290 heads and crankcase set are different. so, will need to do some research on the swap cheers
  13. different bore, same stroke, simple swap out - (sherco's stoke numbers for the 250 is incorrect on their flyers.) cheers
  14. great first step, i never been to the okanagan, mmmm cheers
  15. 758 eruos including insured delivery to the door. i guess is have a slightly used 290 cylinder and piston available, i'm wondering out loud if someone wants to upgrade their 250? mmmm:rolleyes: cheer
  16. i left the caby in it's 290 set up, fast throttle, 2.5 mm retarded, 45 pilot, 122 main, third clip in the keihin, it runs great, after a couple of hours on it riding my practice obstacles and sections the bike is what you would expect. more power, more low end grunt, maybe a wider power band, i thought third gear was very usable before, it certainly a fun gear now . obviously not run in yet but i'm happy to say it certainly accomplished what i was looking for. cheers
  17. thanks jm, yes i was aware after deciphering the translation from aldolfo with my dealer, the kit is on, bike is up and running, after the run in we'll see how she goes, very very early feeling is it may have a broader power band cheers
  18. well, well, well, my alfa 301 kit arrived today, stay tuned... cheers
  19. it would be great to see it, what it takes is for all to join the cma, all hold cma sanctioned events and participate in the all the cma national series. the fim currently recognizes the cma. if the mcc ever holds the role that the cma does now then the same would apply to the mcc. getting the top riders in the same place or in all of the series is logistics, but they seem to manage in other countries. so ya, i'm all for it, however, if there is a cma event here in ontario - i'll ride it, if there is a mcc event - i'll ride it, i would like to see everyone in ontario united under the same sanctioning body, then, i would like to see everyone in canada do the same. right now, the only viable choice with fim recognition is the cma. oh btw, in my experience in other sports, no matter who is the sanctioning body there will always be people not happy and problems. this is the same in everything. so, the mcc may look like the next great thing but in the end they will have to deal with the same issues the cma does right now. they will also have to make decision not agreeable to all. it's the nature of the beast. cheers, i do support a united canada bob billyard
  20. sounds like no circulation, check the water pump cheers
  21. borus

    Cabestany 2t/4t?

    Would Cabestany have a choice of what he rides or would the factory mandate it? btw, i see he just won a Spanish indoor round cheers
  22. borus


    gotta agree, i enjoyed my ride immensely, i wouldn't touch anything, but i don't think it's a beginner bike
  23. borus


    post number 10 by Woody talks about it being done on an 05... http://www.trialscentral.com/forums/index....amp;hl=flywheel cheers
  24. mine was factory set at 5/8 turn with the 45 pilot, 122 main, i've tried it at 3/4 and 1/2 and i still like the factory 5/8. cheers
  25. spent about 4 hours on one, keep your hand off the throttle, don't stab at the kick start like a 2t, find the top of the stroke, take a smooth consistent plung, start it in neutral, the one i rode was brand new and started first kick all day in varying conditions. cheers
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