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Everything posted by borus
  1. borus

    OSSA TR 280I (2012)

    was the bike you tried brand new or did it have some run in hours on it?
  2. borus

    TR 280

    simply load map P11 EVO1 on your 2011 or 2012 bike, you're good to go. no issues and tick over is fine. new 2012 bikes need to be remapped by the dealer before delivering the bike. 2t mix is 110:1 syth. from brand new on premium gas. no need to get creative with anything. make sure your air filter is clean< then simply enjoy the ride. cheers.
  3. If you havn't remapped your 2012 yet then the new map is called P11 EVO1. If you have this map then yes the next map should be P12 but I havent any info yet. the current map is very good with a good tick over and clean throughout the range. cheers
  4. all Ossa's start a little harder when brand new. Once run in, 5 - 10 hours your good. the new P11 EVO 1 map is very good.
  5. any small torx screw that is tight simply "tap with a drift" or in the case of the rear axle screw tap with a hammer just to break them loose. this should save breaking your torx set. cheers
  6. borus

    TR 280

    air temp sensor fitted on the air filter just before the reed valve. air pressure sensor fitted on the air box but getting it reading from a tube routed to just above the rad. there also a engine temp sensor and of course RPM and timing being monitored computer does the rest. cheers
  7. borus

    TR 280

    2012 all bearings
  8. borus

    What's it like to own?

    P8 is an old map, there has been P9, P10 and now P11 is available. P8 was pretty good but is no comparision to P11. cheers
  9. yep, Mike had sent me a notification end of June and it's on trialsontario, It's on my calendar to be there. It's a quiet spot in our Ontario schedule also.
  10. Hi - Mississauga HQ is about 30-45 min from my place and you are smack dab in the middle of all the Ontario events. sooooo< pretty good
  11. Hi - check out the website, lot's of info there and lot's of trials in and around ontario. most important is what area of ontario you move to as it's a big place. - I'm near Kitchener / Cambridge and have a riding area. - cheers
  12. borus

    Ossa TR280i frame

    this is 15 feet back and Fajardo hits the skip at 4 feet up, I was standing next to the camera.
  13. borus

    Ossa TR280i frame

    Pending my wrist healing I'll be at Windsor next weekend if you want to take a close look at the frame.
  14. borus

    Building Ossa's

    No USD for 2012, I've been to the factory twice, the pics don't lie. I suggest to take a good ride on the bike with the latest map P-10 in your practice sections to judge for yourself if it performs like it looks. I have ridden my bike 4-5 times a week since January. To the reliability question, I have one bike that has given me a number of issues which where perplexing to say the least but I have many many more with no issues. The big factor is timely factory / importer / dealer support for any needs you have. (I am an importer, therefore take my post with my appropriate amount of bias - ) cheers
  15. I have had 7 left knee operations and a major on my right shoulder. since 2008 both joints I'm told need replacement, I just have to say the word. Luckily I practice Bikram Yoga and I am pain free. Yoga is also a perfect fit to maximize your physical prep for trials. I haven't had a cortisone shot in years. good luck
  16. Wilson Craig is the new Canadian National Trials Champion and secures 1st seed on the 2012 Tdn Team. click here for results
  17. My guess is that because of the recession / bank bailouts the banks need in this case the local government to back the loan. Every business needs line's of credit to survive. However, catch 22, the banks are not loaning money. The loan from the bank is for growth of the company. I wonder what restrictions the EU puts on this type of deal? Ossa Growth = 2500 units in 2012, a launch of another model in Milan this fall, my guess is Enduro, and eventually a road model. I would say 30 employees will grow substantially. Now, if your the bank you don't want to own a company that has defaulted, and this has happened with another brand. So, you need a guaranty. This is all business stuff that will go away as the world economy recovers.
  18. Canada is multicultural "The number of individual languages listed for Canada is 86" Canada. 32,271,000. First Nations 800,000 and Inuit 32,000 ethnic total (1993): 146,285 L1 speakers (1981 census). 4,120,770 non-English or French first language, or 15.3% (1991 census). National or official languages: English, French. Literacy rate: 96%
  19. borus

    TR 280

    EFI automatically adjusts for temperature, altitude. I don't foresee many map changes in the future as Ossa fines tunes the mapping. Dual mapping is coming on the replicas and will probably be there on production bikes. IMO carburetors will be in the museum in a few years, but I'm biased.
  20. borus

    TR 280

    There are ways to deal with that situation but I think you need to talk to your dealer.
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