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Everything posted by davey
  1. davey


    thanks 500 it is any iders on the beta minicross how much oil and wher to get parts for it cart find any suplyers thanks
  2. davey


    lampkings told me 350ml but i thought more also beta r10 minicross my sons how much changing oil on both bikes
  3. davey


    dose any body no how much gear oil to put in a beta techno is it 350ml
  4. davey


    hi thanks for help it was ok i was told oil was milky but it was inspection glass that was discoloured its fine my frend give me bike and bought new one he was told it was nakerd but he did say it cut out on him a few times and did not think fan was working is there a safty cut of if it gets to hot!!!!! a was out on it on sat and it run fine! also i found year its a 99 acording to frame no by beta web site but he insists its a 2000 not that i am botherd i carnt conplane 99 beta for nothing luky me thanks again for the help iam looking for a good parts suplyer plastics stikers ect also i have a beta r 10 minicross for my son looking for some way of giving it a bit more humf its a bit under powerd on hills any ideas thanks
  5. davey

    Beta Oil Milky

    thanks for advice just draind oil and found it ok the glass on the side was showing oil to be white but its the obserbataion class thats discoloured (duh) so thats good how much atf should it take also how can i test the fan has i have not seen it come on and would this make bike cut out if it got to hot and did not come on thanks
  6. davey

    Beta Oil Milky

    my beta is leacking coolant into oil the oil is milky will this be pump seal the bike still starts and runs fine but i am not useing it ofcorse or could this be croshon of the caseing how do i fix it any help would be good thanks
  7. hi to evry body i am new to this site i need help on finding out the year of my new bike its a beta frame no starts beta b6 got told it was 200 help!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. davey


    hi to evry body i am a new member names dave from wakefield i have just got a beta not sure of year been told its a 2000 can any body help date it frame no starts beta b6 thanks
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