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It is very hard to know what to do for the best-- cant please everyone all the time i guess!-- We are lucky enough to know a lot of these riders in europe/ UK and had taken advantage of that to get them over here in the past in an effort to try and promote the sport here, both helping riders here and at the same time allowing the euro riders to see some of the USA-- all this in an effort to try and generate enthusiasam promoting progress in the sport trials here in the USA, we have had come over such names as, Jim Lampkin organising several scools on the west coast, then Alex Wigg and Sam haslem (got a right royal roasting for that!)-- we have also had Shaun Morris over several times-- we could bring more and try and do this on a regular basis... but it seems every time we do,-- we get this UK vs USA nonsense. Seems there is never a problem while they are here teaching putting on demos and trainning , but as soon as they do an event we always have a problem!--- i must add, MOST are very appreciative , but just a few are not so , It would be nice to try and get over this hurdle and bring some more high calibre riders over to try and improve from---this i feel would bring the USA trials scene more in line with the european trials scene and over time feel improve our relationships bringing more oppertunities for riders to go there and ride also. Any way, thats my two pennies worth for what its worth!
No Jive!!-- your trusty new steed awaits you!!!!!
To Eric and the Stortz family, we dont get on here too often , but both Mandy and I felt we wanted to offer our best wishes at this very stressful time and hope everything goes well for Eric --you are all in our thoughts. Adrian & Mandy Lewis.
Martin--got your e mail-- sounds good-- just need to get folks motivated--will be at Keyesville this weekend and speak to VOTE club and we are planning a trip to the Columbia cup this next year with our youth team so as Mark says i think this would work really well as a northern round-- just need to sort out a venue here-- i have an area fairly close that would be fine for a 2 day on private land ! What do we call it?--
So-- whos in for trying something on the west coast this next year-- i have spoken several folks in the oregon seattle area and to some folks in the Socal area--so whats stopping us?? lets make this happen-- all we need is say 3 venues to run a 2 day event-- that gives us 6 rounds-- that should be a good base to start-- and maybe we can build on that as it becomes more popular??--somewhere in the keysvilleare that socal use and a sactopits event and one other in oregon? thatkeeps travelling to a minimum-- could even run a twin shock class too??----ideas?? interested??
Hey up big John-- i have a possibility of 8 rtl bikes here for sale as a job lot-- know anyone interested??
Crazy--Absolutly crazy!!---Dosent give the west coast riders any incentive to attend---About time it was split into sectors-- west -mid and east--get some numbers back into attending larger events!
Sorry Laser1-- wasnt meaning to be clever-- its just we see this day in day out, i have been doing this both here in the USA and in UK for the last 32 years -- i talk to lots of customers every day with questions on trials -- i also mechanic for gas gas at nationals and i have to say that in all honesty -- MOST riders will never know the difference-- when i say most i mean the majority-- not saying everyones this way , BUT-- the MAJORITY of riders are lower to middle class and in general they have soooo many other things going on that how the suspension is working is last thing on there mind-- many a time i have run a training class and found bikes completly blown and the riders dont even realise!---it seems everone wants to set there suspension to hop and nose wheelie before learning basics. Hopping and trick ridding will come automatically and trainning thereafter is much easier!-- it is very hard to try and teach someone to hop when they cant balace and do a full lock figure 8 turns!!! The other thing you must appreciate is that every rider is not the same-- you and i may both be the same weight on the same bike in the same class and of eqaul level-- but you might be a heavy less technical rider than i -- vise versa-- so suspension on a trials bike is a very personal thing-- have it a soft as you can without bottomming out --obviusly drop off you would expect a bottom , but nothing very techcnical about drop off,s--the most important concepts of the trials motorcycle is based among other things about traction-- and for that we require a good soft slow suspension. The Marzocchi suspension will take a little longer than 10 hours also-- probably more like 30-50 hours before optimum performance is achieved.
Been there! ----done that !! -=----trust me-- use the 10%-- ther is WAAAAAAAY to much info going on here-- its a trials bike not the space shuttle!!
Nou then lad! ishy!!i seem to remember YOU riding one of those "big old boats"!! for the last few SSDT,s!!-------did you proud and finnished did you not!
You gotta be kidding!-- if you have to stop every several hundred yards youve got some other serious problems going on i suspect--we have sold literally hundreds of these and i have used them myself for several years now-- we do NOT have to clean them every few hundred yards!--a little exageration i think!!-- you must not be cleaning them properly or something-- we have both types and i personnally have used both types -- they BOTH clog--and cleaning them is a pain-- i use a small butane blow torch wich does the task very quickly and efieciently!
dfwilson-- for your info-- the mesh in the one we sell and ANY other LEGAL! spark arrestor is the same-- dosent matter if it is 1 inch diameter or 10 inches!----sorry to say but--guess what-- you have to CLEAN them once in a while!
Be careful!-- dont try and title it here in the US!---epa would LOVE to know about that!
So-- with fuel here going up seemingly every other day now-- what about a West coas series ? We have talked about it for a long time now , but nothing ever gets done- maybe we should bite the bullet and "just do it" Say maybe a 2 day in SOCAL , possibly Ridgecrest ?-- we could make our Pits event that we put on in September at "Bear Valley " a 2 day event here in NORCAL into a round and if someone in Oregon (ishy??) was up for it we could quite easily have 6 really good rounds to kick it off with. With time maybe we can involve other neighbouring states on this side of the country , Who knows what we could do-- maybe in time we have an, east --west-- central series of events and just one nationaal a year reducing some of the expenses involved in the nationals as we know them .....?