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  1. johnnyrob

    Ty175 Tyres?

    The front tyre on my ty has perished too far and needs replacing. What size should it be and will a 90/90-21 fit? Cheers JR
  2. Lights & autolube - what'd they then??
  3. Seems very light and is a hellova lot lighter than my mates Fantic 305 (and a lot easier to ride - hehehe!) Forgot the camera today - doo'ooh! Will have to post some piccies later this week
  4. Yes- that looks very similar, although mine has the aftermarket all on one tank & seat unit. No lighting kit and running nicely. From what I can work out its either a Ty175B or C as the engine / frame number starts with '525' (matching numbers ) I'll get some pictures up tonight. I'm well pleased with it - she runs really well and apart from a slight bit of damage on the break lever, no light kit or front number plate she's in really good order - V. good Pirellii tyres and a recent chain and Talon gold rear sprocket. The side stand is the best bit!
  5. Hi Guys I've just picked up my new (very old) twin shock Ty175 to join my FZR400RR 3TJ & RD350LC. I intend to use the TY for light fun use off road with my pal on his fantic 305. Any advice on where I can read up more on the TY175 or what manuals are available will be greatly received. I've no manual for the bike and have found that info appears rather scarce for these bikes - which suprises me very much. To be honest I don't even know how old my bike is (it's not road registered). I've paid
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