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  1. sjs

    Cota 200 Questions

    Thanks for the speedy replys guys, bob pa usa could you give me the info for the 200, i will have to research and find out the correct year but could you give me answers for the 200 cota and we'll presume it's 1981+, just to clear up, what i meant by crankcase quantity was gearbox oil, thanks again bob pa usa, Steve
  2. Hi, could somebody help me out with a few quick q's? I need info on a 1975 Montesa cota 200, Fork oil quantity and grade, Correct fuel mixture, Crankcase quantity and grade?, Thankyou.
  3. sjs

    A Few Newbie Q's

    please help me out!, i'm desperate for answers
  4. sjs

    A Few Newbie Q's

    Hi, i have a few hopefully simple questions for a Montesa Cota 200 1975, the bike belongs to my uncle and he has lost the owners manual!, could someone tell me how much oil to use for each front fork and what grade of oil to use, also what grade and quantity to refill crankcase after oil change, and finally what is the best fuel mix to use (ratio)?, plz help me out, thanks in advance, Steve
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