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  1. Thanks, feetupfun, once again!
  2. I mounted 27x 30 mm spacers and the fork works fine. Have yet try without spacers. I'm not sure about my fork oil, I use modern Bel-Ray High Performance Fork Oil, 10W. What's your experience, opinion, advice?
  3. Thanks once more again! Soon you have teached me to know even a little about my 348.
  4. I was going to replace thirty years old front fork springs. The length of the new ones (which were said to be for 348!) were only 47 cm but my original are 50 cm. What's the right length? So whatever it is, I desided to lathe some nylon spacers (30-40 mm) and try with them.
  5. Haven't yet got suitable ones! http://www.trialscentral.com/forums/index....showtopic=25084
  6. jaan

    Amal To Oko Carb

    Only the same poor zinc alloy material of both body and slide. I replaced the slide but the carb body too is a little bit worn and soon perhaps the new slide too. I want to check if this is true too for my 348, Mikuni flat slide and me: "Fitting an OKO to any Spanish bike that still has the very poor and often badly worn OE carburetion fitted, does make a tremendous difference to these machines, and results in a bike that is smoother, more powerful, and much easier to ride in serious competition." (http://www.classictrial.co.uk/okokitsspanish.html) If Montesa Cota 348 + Mikuni flat slide doesn't work, then I'll try Keihin 28 mm round slide carb.
  7. jaan

    Amal To Oko Carb

    Hi cmt320 I'm going to change from an Amal to a Mikuni 28 mm flat slide carb VM28-418 or a Keihin PE 28 mm round slide carb. Have to try which one of these two works better with Montesa Cota 348. I've bought these carbs as new on eBay with standard jetting. I'll lathe an adapter from carb to airbox. I'll start with standard jetting and then I have to try and try with different jets etc. so that at last the jetting is as good as possible. All kind of tuning info, jets and parts are available, from example: http://justkdx.dirtrider.net/printcarbtuning.html http://keihincarbs.com/home.html http://www.allensperformance.co.uk/index.html http://www.keihin-us.com/list.htm http://www.sudco.com/mikuni.html http://www.dellorto.co.uk/ http://www.showandgo.com.au/jet/jet.htm?je....html~mainFrame http://www.mikuni-topham.de/ http://www.mikuni.com/pdf/vmmanual.pdf
  8. I just found out that BMZ however has an electornic ignition for 348. It seems to be the same as feetupfun found from France Trial Classic site, the price too is same 382 euros. http://www.bmz.fr/achat/produit_details.ph...252&id=5294 However I have so good experiences in Rex Caunt's Ignition and his helpfulness that if Rex would make ignition for 348 I absolutely preferred it!
  9. Thank you "feetupfun"! Anyone has any experiences about this ignition? It's really pity that Rex Caunt doesn't make his ignition for Montesa Cota 348, only for Bultacos: http://www.rexcauntracing.com/pages/ig_bultaco.html I have Rex's Ignition in my Suzuki T20 classic racer and it's excellent, absolutely the best ignition you can get! Perhaps I'll wait for that Rex some day will make an ignition for my Montesa 348.
  10. Thanks mates, I do appreciate your opinions! However I'm so poor trials rider that I don't need the best twinshock ever. Montesa Cota 348 just good for me (both she and me are heavy and our power is slow ) Perhaps I'll upgrade or improve my 348 somehow: new front fork springs, better brake pedal, Mikuni or Keihin, fat bar?
  11. How about the younger Montesas 242 and 330?
  12. So what's the secret of Fantic 200? I have Montesa Cota 348, could you please compare them and tell about the most important differencies?
  13. I've read many times that Fantic 240 Pro is the best twinshock bike ever. Do you agree or...? Best features, weaknesses?
  14. Yes, I know. Just a year ago I replaced the worn out slide, but obviously the body too is a little bit worn. The only way seems to bore out the body and insert a sleeve and sleeve the slide too. Perhaps it would be better to use some other carb, Keihin or Mikuni, even if it's not easy to mount them to 348?
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