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  1. Buster, What about the Premier 'Free' that claims maximum ventilation (see BVM's website. Personally I use an Airoh 'ROCK', nice a light and a removable lining. Peter
  2. Sorry Ringo, don't have any photo's of me when I flippped the Sherco otherwise I would have posted them. Peter
  3. I won't say it was my worst ever, but definitely the most spectacular. A group of us were in the Isle of Man riding the trials and watching the racing and chewing the cud with Juan and David Knight. We were coming back across the Island when we approached a
  4. Does anyone have a contact for the 96 Trials Club? Thanks Peter
  5. I would say no at the moment, however if HondaMontesa had their way the answer would be yes. Now that the novelty of four bangers has declined in the enduro market people are returning back to two smokes mainly due to the high maintenance cost (oil and filter change every three hours competition running and valve adjustment every fifteen). Don't forget the issue of noise; many venues are either restricted or being forced to close due to the prevalence of four bangers which people find offensive to the ear. I can only see Honda not building any more two smokes; so long as there is a demand for them other manufacturers will continue to build them. Peter
  6. Check out Muddy Stuff they normally have a few trialers. I got mine from Dave Cooper, very good quality at a good price. You might want to think about a two bike trailer cause I know I wish I had a two bike trailer now instead of a single one. Peter PS What is it with those dorks on Ebay, don't they check out the prices before going crazy with the bidding?
  7. Simon, I been riding enduro's and H&H for about a year now and I've just got into trials as a means of improving my bike control and for having some fun. Your best bet is to contact a local club to see if they do beginners and wobblers trials. These are ideal for starters and a good way to meet other club members. I did one of these a couple of weeks ago and thoroughly enjoyed myself. As for a bike its totaly up to you. I opted for a 03 Sherco 290 2T which suits me fine, like yourself I'm no lightweight but I've not noticed any problems. Its realy a case of what you can afford and what is available. I'm sure as a green lane rider you must have a grasp of basic riding skills but if not I would again try a local club. Most people are only too keen to help out beginners. Peter
  8. Did my first trial at the weekend. It was only a beginners and wobblers but what can I say it was so much fun. The biggest difference for me was the attitude of those involved as it was much more relaxed than any Enduro or H&H I've competed in. I know as a B&W it isn't meant to be a competition but it was the fact that everyone was enjoying themselves and being helpful to us beginners. I found the beginners route too easy and the novice routes to hard so I stuck to the wobblers and found that once the nerves had disappeared and I did more laps the better I got. OK so in most sections I had a couple of dabs but I didn't think that too bad as it was only the second time I've ridden a trials bike. So it
  9. Hmm, I think I'll do as you suggested Ishy as its anoying the wife having spots of oil on the drive. Peter
  10. OK, so its probably the crankcase breather but is it something I should be worried about? Peter
  11. Me Sherco 290 has a habit of dripping oil out of the carb overflow. When I took it for a spin around the local quarry after a while it stopped but now when I start it up and ride around the drive its started again. I don't know how much oil was put in as it was done by the dealer who sold it too me after he had replaced the piston and got the barrel relined. Should I be concerned Peter
  12. Thanks Beta Boy. I've adjusted it and it feels better so I'll see what its like on my next ride. Peter
  13. With the front brake on me new Sherco the leaver comes back to the bars and doesn't seam to be as firm as the front brake on me KTM. I've replaced the pads and refreshed the brake fluid and bled the system yet it still the same. Is this typical? or is there something else I can try? Peter
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