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Everything posted by deandev
  1. Might be worth checking the rear brake cable isnt rusted on. I bought a second hand 24v and it kept running down really fast and was a pig to ride, everything seemed ok and the brake lever pulled and returned, but on closer inspection the cable was shot rusted into the liner and causing the pads to bind on the disc all the while running down the battery and causing the bike to ride well like you had the brake on!. But be warned if it is this, when my daughter had a go after it was fixed she gave it a big handful as before and it took her by suprise which resulted in her 1st big crash!
  2. i always got blisters really bad when i rode enduro's. I was then told to try riding with a thin pair of cotton gloves under your normal riding gloves, i was a bit sceptical but it does work i never got blisters again. Sounds daft i know but it worked for me.
  3. As it happens ive just sorted out my boys beta rear brake today. i did the same as you and had no fluid going through the system so i removed the bleed nipple which turned out to be blocked, 10 minutes with a bit of wire and some carb cleaner sorted out the blockage, 5 minutes later job done. may be the same for you? Cheers
  4. The results are on the scarborough site http://www.scarboroughdmc.co.uk/ Great weekend really enjoyed it
  5. I would take of the plate and take it to a fabricator, generally the ally they use is better and they make the new bash polate for about half the price of buying a genuine bash plate. this is just my opinion tho!
  6. Has anyone taken a standard 175 engine bigger than 200cc? if so using what piston and to what cc?, if not what piston is used for the 200 conversion?I have a ty 175 in a box to be rebuilt and think if done right could be better than a fantic 200, so as im starting from scratch any info or experience anyone could passson would be great. cheers to all dean
  7. I know the whole electric bike thing is probaabley were we are going, but for me a big part of the off road experience is the bikes sound. I have ridden motocross, trials and enduro all on 2 strokes and the thing that makes me grin is the sound. I have also ridden bmx upto national standard, what im think is and wondered how other people felt if the day came when we had to ride bikes with no sound, would that be the end of off road sport? for me i think it would. i think i would go back to push bikes, without the sound whats the point? Cheers Dean
  8. deandev

    Beta Rev 80/rev 50

    Not sure about pre08 but after that the bikes are different. the 80 is a full size bike with a totally different geometry. Think the sherco is upgradable from 80 to 125, not sure about beta's pre 08. i do know of a 06 maybe 07 rev50 coming up for sale in the south midland centre in the next week or two can pass you numbers if you interested. cheers Dean
  9. yep last i heard it was going to be a retail village with a hotel, but its gone quiet for a while, to be honest cant see it being developed for another 10 years. apparentley you just cant have enough shops!!!!!!!!!
  10. Go on have a guess?????????? Yea more shopping, pubs etc etc etc
  11. I live in Rushden and know the site well. To be honest it is very rare for any trials riders to use the site anymore i havent been there in at least a year and i live half a mile away. At the weekends you get upward of 50 people on motocross, field bikes, and 4x4's, all flat out in every direction possible! There is even a catering van in attendance. I know off people who have travelled upwards of 50 miles to get there. So jason if you read this i understand where your coming from but its not trials riders that are your problem. regards Dean
  12. Jools, guess thats why you didnt make it to Peterborough yesterday! I had a problem with Bobs a few weeks back and when i bled it had no success back bleeding with a syringe. I then tried it by filling up from the slave and pumping the lever to get rid of the air. This worked straight away and its been fine since. Cheers Dean
  13. Cheers for the replys. I have poked and blown through all the jets so pretty sure there ok. the spark plug is comming out a nice tan colour so i think the mixture screw is about right. I will have a little play with the float heigt and needle setting see if thats the problem. I'll let you know. Thanks again Dean
  14. Our little un is getting on great with his 2008 beta 80 and i have'nt had any problems with the bike apart from the carbaration. I cant seem to get a consistant set up. Everytime i think its right it goes pear shaped. occasionally the bike races on tick over, occasionally suffers fuel starvation in a sections and has to be started on choke half way through a trial it then runs ok. To be fair if i clean the carb after every ride its better, but i cant help thinking, im missing something. I am using a 66:1 mix as recommended in the handbook and putoline oil and standard unleaded re-routed the throttle cable etc. Does anyone whos had beta 80's for a while have any ideas. Cheers Dean
  15. Mornings seem to be better than afternoons me and the young un go down about 8 in the morning and generally dont see anyone till were leaving 11ish, especially at the weekends. Week days pretty quiet most of the time. You can get out of the way in a few places when it gets busy on the old railway embankment in the trees is ok. The old ski slope has some steep hilly bits which make good sections but that is in the open. because it is used by moto-x and 4x4 the ground is really claggy when wet in the open ok in the trees. Cheers Dean
  16. Hi Graham check out this map the site is the empty part of the map oppo the Needle and Awl Pub http://www.multimap.com/maps/?zoom=16&...&qs=NN106EF hope this helps. Dean
  17. If i am going to practice down the old skew bridge its best to go 1st thing in the morning before the motocross and 4x4 boys get down there. Around the back oppo the petrol station is the disused railway embankment which has some pretty good riding on it. The site is earmarked for developement but in the present climate i dont think anything will be happening soon. Like i said early or dont bother it gets very hairy down there with bikes everywhere all going in different directions and noticed last week driving by that there was a catering van there at the weekend! thats how busy it gets. Cheers dean
  18. i think it was 2007. 2006 was a silver frame
  19. Cheers for that fellas, just a thought but i guess the 80's hold there money so thats probs the way to go. Regards Dean
  20. My lads are just about to start riding this year for the 1st time. I have aquired a ty80 and a ty80 whitehawk for this year to learn on. Not going to do any trials as yet just practice. The question is. Next year the 10 year old who is a big tall lump will need a modern bit of kit so i was thinking about a sherco 80, but reading this post would it be better to buy a 125 and then a new 80 head and barrel and down size it? this way he gains experience on a full size bike which he can compete on in the c class. the following year when he moves up to the b class i can switch back to the 125 top end. Am i way of the mark here? as anyone done this?Any opinions would be appreciated Cheers Dean
  21. Hi all, its been 24 years since i have been involved with trials, and now with two boy 8 and 10 who have just decided there bmx carreer is over!! have dragged me back. It looks alot different to how it was but looking forward to getting them riding. Cheers Dev
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