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Everything posted by 1sherco1
  1. well hes got to take it back because he has given you a bike that is faulty and he probably new about it
  2. not much point i just buy a few plugs and change it every 6-7 trials to be on the safe side but dont try a fancy on get standerd ive had a fer problems with the fancy
  3. he told me he wasn`t doing all the world round because he works now so its harder to get time off
  4. 1sherco1

    Kiehn Carb

    defintly not a pro its just at the tops of long hill it starts to die abit thanksi might just get a pipe cheers josh
  5. 1sherco1

    Kiehn Carb

    i was just wondering if one had put a kiehn on a 125 sherco and does it make a difference
  6. 1sherco1

    Rear Shock

    i just messin about after a trial on a jump and i kept bottom in out seems fine in trials thow any sugestions?? cheers josh
  7. ive had mine on for 6 months and no problems
  8. hi i ride a 125 o8 sherco and it keeps jumping in to neutral only in first gear any ideas cheers josh
  9. i want to increase my bottom end power and only ways ive senn is kiehn carb titanium front pipes is there any other way ?
  10. 1sherco1

    Black Box

    it happend to me then i put a new plug in empted tank and cleaned carb it runs fine now
  11. isn`t the rear fender sticker the same as the special edition but blue i prefer 2008 plastics
  12. hya ive had mine really the same time mine are fie so i wouldn`t worry
  13. i was just wondering if any one had seen them on a sherco website i seen them befor and now i cant find them
  14. i keep getting told i`v got the front brake on when i lift the front wheel of the ground when its no evan over it i know when there new they stick a bit but iv had it for 5-6 weeks and still a bit sticky any ideas what it could be. cheers josh.
  15. i rode on a beta but never stoped havin problems eg fuel leek but now i ride sherco i have no problems at all definitly sherco i think and they are really easy to maintain
  16. i use ipone and its 450cc of oil
  17. hope my knees arnt knackerd i only 13!!!!!
  18. i was just wondering iff its possible to make some bike holders i seen them on YOU HAVE USED WORDS OR A PHRASE WHICH ARE NOT PERMITTED ON THIS WEBSITE. PLEASE DELETE YOUR POST/TOPIC. DO NOT TRY TO CIRCUMVENT THE FILTERS IN PLACE ON THIS WEBSITE and dont want to pay
  19. also the fenders and fuel tank a quite plane
  20. other day i was trialing and i twisted my knee 2nd time wat am i doin wrong
  21. well the title saysit all
  22. 1sherco1

    Rev 3 Fork Seal

    oh i hapining on yours as well i broke mine twice in 3 weeks
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