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Everything posted by peter9000uk
  1. If the Yam parts manuals are anythin like the Honda ones you may strike lucky by looking up the part number and the sizes may be shown right by the description
  2. peter9000uk

    Gear Lever

    I wouldn't have thought so as one has a Yamaha engine and the other a Rotax, mind you stranger things have happened. I would have thought an Aprilia one would be more likely to fit
  3. If the licence plate is anything to go by then pre 1963. That is when the UK introduced suffixes on them
  4. I have ridden a modernish bike when in the US.I was loaned one of the very first Fantic Sections by the then importer for a few trials. I think the mud may take a little getting used to again as it's all huge dry rocks where I was. Thanks for the offer, drop me a line when and where the next one is and I'll see if I can make it. I did have all my old riding gear till a couple of years ago but chucked it as it seemed to have shrunk since I last wore it! Still got a Shoe (sic) helmet somewhere though!
  5. I think it may have been section 1. The start was near a fence and section was in and out of a few trees and up and down a bank. The obeserver was in a raincoat standing on the top of the bank, back to the fence. PS I did use to ride expert in the southern, south eastern & south midland centre events with support from Windsor Comp shop alone with Colin Mitson & John Bull. I was one of the founder members of Surrey Schoolboys and rode with Chris Sutton (is he still riding?) Colin Boniface etc. A young Dave Renhan was starting out back then Just turned 51 BTW, wife thinks the spirit is willing but the flesh may be week!
  6. The girls on sign were really friendly! They just didn't know! As far as the queues at the first section, why not just start the different classes at different sections around the loop!That's what the did in Southern California. I think I might pass up on the observing bit as I am not overly familiar with the new rules. It was completely no stop when I rode! I did however notice that a one Mr D White is the chairman of North Hants, is that Dave White perchance? He was riding with them when I used to be a member and his Mum & Dad were involved in the running of the club. I used to ride a Cheney Ossa back then. Oh how times have changed.Mind you what section I did see I reckon I could quite easily have ridden on the old Ossa on what I think was the hardest line. Any ideas on how to let the wife let me get another bike? She reckons I'm too old
  7. Took a ride out to this yesterday as it's only 7 miles away. First UK trial for about 15 years. I must say I was rather confused with all the coloured markers on the trees, must be an observer nightnmare! There only used to be one line when I rode. Don't know whether it's just North Hants but there wasn't much info for the newcomer at the sign up area. They had a nice board with space for info on the current event and also for next event, both totally blank! Asked the people at sign up where the sections were and they had no idea. Eventually found one section just as the last couple of riders were going through. Went home a bit disappointed with my first event after a long gap even if I was only spectating, not the North Hants club of old I remember
  8. http://www.beamishownersclub.com/_sgg/f10000.htm
  9. Make it plain in the regs for the event that arguing/insulting observers will not be tolerated. May it clear the observer can and will refuse to mark their card which will result in a 10 mark penalty, no arguments end of story.
  10. The regs must have changed since I did MOTs then After having a chain snap on a 440 Maico and hit me on the ass I'd rather have one anyway!
  11. Dave, a chain guard is a legal requirement for any road going motorcycles in the UK
  12. These are the boys you want to contact http://www.atatrials.com/ They are a great bunch of lads and I had a great time riding with them when I lived over there in the early 1990's
  13. I rode a Cheney Ossa for a couple of years way back when I had a bit of support from Windsor Comp shop. Lovely bike the frame coupled with a Mikuni carb and different exhaust made the bike much beter to ride. Simon Cheney used to ride a cantilever version built by his father and at one time I remember him trying a leading link front end on the bike too. Eric & Simon both maintained they were lighter than the normal telescopic forks. I had a ride on it once and it felt very odd to say the least, didn't like the revvy motor Simon used but then he did come from an MX background. As I recall Eric's frames were nickel plated rather than chrome plated and the welding was a work of art
  14. You mention you have checked everything except the timing. If I remember correctly Bantams have 3 slotted holes to adjust the timing. ANother thought, what colour is the plug?
  15. Sorry I didn't manage to make it yesterday but my daughter was involvrf in a nasty car accident Saturday morning on her way to work. Car is a write off but luckily daughter only has a stiff neck. Marvellous how all the witnesses disappear and give false phone numbers and details to the police
  16. This sounds very much like a bike I round a few times whilst in Canada in the early 70s. One piece Green tank/seat unit with yellow bits on it? It belonged to Burt Irwin of Irwin Supply in Cornawall Ontario. His son Tommy may know if it is still about, long shot I know but stranger things have happened!
  17. Anyone give me a postcode or something for this Normandy trial? Might pop along Sat to see how much things have changed in the 13 years since I last sat on a bike!
  18. Hey, Hap, does Duane Stone still have the couple he used to ride when I was over there? He also had a couple of Italjets as I recall one he bought after a world round and was a works bike. Pete Thatcher
  19. I personally cannot believe still how cheap the entries are for trials events. I haven't ridden a trial in the UK since the mid/late 1970s and they certainly haven't kept pace with inflation. As an example I now take part in match fishing to a reasonable standard and my entry fees are usually between
  20. Do they still hold events at Stokenchurch woods? I also seem to remember the Haslams had some reasonable areas on their land. I used to ride with Farnham Royal club longer ago than I care to remember! As I recall quite a few of the OTC events used to involve quite a bit of road work, do these still happen? Must be 25 years since I rode a trial in the UK
  21. Be very careful using these products as they are corrosive and believe me they will stain paintwork and alloy if left on for too long or used in a too concentrated form.
  22. Used to use watered down Ajax or similar and a scrubbing brush (to get in the scratches) then hose/pressure wash off after
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