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Posts posted by benbeta23
  1. Hi Adam,

    The Evo is a spot on bike, It will be very different to your Sherco though, The 290's have a lot of power & pull really well, I also have an Arrow system on my 300 2T, & They really do make a difference to the way it pulls, from the bottom end to the top end, All the way through, The bike rides much better & smoother in my opinion with them on. The throttle response is quite a bit snappier though. Seems to rev out better as well.

    At first It will take you a while to get familier with the bike, As it will have a lot more poke than your sherco, But I think you will love it after a bit, I honestly think myself that they are the Best 2 stroke bike.

    The flywheel weight is a good thing, It helps the bike from stalling & makes the power much smoother, My old 290 had one fitted & my 300 hasn't & could honestly say I would rather have it on.

    The frame & the swingarm was a big problem on the 2009's but I think it depends on what sort of stuff you ride, If your a Beginner/ Novice & just doing small sections etc.. It will be fine, But if you're an Expert & doing really big splats on rocks & things like that, I would be a bit more worried, If It has an uprated frame though, It shouldn't be any problem at all,

    The bike isn't the one on ebay from Pidcocks by any chance is it? Doesn't the bike come with the standard exhaust as well? At least if you don't like the Arrow one you can change it back.

    Good Luck in whatever decision you make Adam, Hopefully it will be the right one.

  2. Yep Kuroyama's bike may look like a scorpa, But is a special yamaha factory bike, known as a Yamaha TY-S 250f, It is Also the same bike as Nozaki Rides.

    Is This the bike that you are refering to?


  3. Dear Beta Beta

    PLease explain to me why it wasn't a five.

    I totally agree that the officials present had a better view than us and more knowledge of the rules than Jack does, however I have an FIM Clerk of the course licence for both Trials and enduro, I have been ACU delegate at more WC events than I can count. I was assistant Clerk Of The Course at British World Trial at Carlisle and I have total and absolute confidence in Dave Willoughby But I HAVE NO IDEA WHY THAT WASN'T A 5

    and if that makes me incompetant well so be it

    The only way I can see it being a five if you are not allowed to go backwards But I have seen Bou on several occasions when he has jumped the bike backwards. Or if this is allowed but the bike rolling backwards isn't I'm not sure, e.g last week in madrid on that huge red box step, he jumped backwards about 4 times But only just got the five when he actually jumped off the bike completely from his last attempt, I think when Bou jumps back off stuff it must be allowed as he has done it so many times before

    If you noticed when Dabill messed the step up in Milan, Both of his feet came off the bike which is a five, But when Bou did it he still had one foot on the peg, So basically all he did was one dab.

    I think Fujigas also knew that it was a single dab as well.

    All in all though I think Jack is a good comentator & makes the event even more fun to watch. Can't be any worse than that commentator on Eurosport last year for the fort bill round.

  4. I find the best way to clean a bike is to just use a normal jetwasher (Soak the bike in detergent first), Give it a good cleaning off with the jetwasher, Then after blow the water off with the airline (especially the chain), Then clean the air filter & the filter box, Put some Lube on the chain, Then let the bike run until the fan kicks in.

  5. Hi,

    If you put the bike into mode 2 It helps it from stalling as it advances the ignition & increases the tickover, It's a bit more snappy, But my dad finds on his 300 it doesn't stall as easy in sections as it does when in mode 1. Or you could just get used to the bike a bit more as they are very different to a Mont.

  6. As good as bou is, it was a 5 tonight, he rolled back with his foot down, Dibs did the same and they fived him. I know he would have still won, but at least it would look a lot closer on the results sheet. You got to have consistent marking regardless of level.


    p.s. I know jb comes out with some drivell at times but on the whole he aint to bad

    I'm to sure that Bou's was a five as he was still actually on the bike & just dropped 1, But Dabill jumped off the bike completly which was a 5. Couldn't believe it though when Bou fell over the bars on that race, I thought I'd never see that happen to him, & when Dibs won the race against Bou was epic, He didn't have enough room to even stop it!

    I don't think Jack Burnicle is the best (far from it) But I honestly don't think he does a bad job of it, Fair enough he gets a few things wrong, But all In all Jack is pretty decent.

    t-shock 250: I think that circlip was the one on the front sprocket, It very much looked like it to me anyway.

    Good ride from Dibs tonight, Well done Dibs, Really Well deserved, Ben Hemingway seems to be doing an awesome job of minding for him. Well done Ben.

  7. Sounds good! is it easier to move the back end about eg, hopping?


    I suppose it depends on how you have it set up, Can't notice much of a difference when hoping the back wheel on mine, But it does feel much more firm.

  8. Hi Jack,

    I have an Ohlins for my evo, & I think they are fantastic, The rear end of the bike feels much more firm & I think the general working of the shock is much better, Just Brilliant in my opinion. Can't beat a good Ohlins!

  9. I think the Rev3 is a smashing bike & they ride spot on, But I love how the evo handles & how light they feel, For me I think the Evo is absolutely brilliant! At first when I saw the Evo frame, I wasn't that keen, But now I love the look of them.

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  10. at the end of the day, it doesn't matter how you observer the section as long as you treat all the riders the same, then whats the problem !!

    I take it you did not read any of my posts thenI think you will find before you start giving me a load of s**t you should get your facts straight.

    I never said I could do better than any observers in national trials, They all do a great job & I think it's fantastic that they offer to give up there spare time to observe, But I don't think I was the only one who noticed it on Section 4.

    I said before If we could all leave it at that, But no, There is always one f*****g idiot who has to carry on.

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  11. The key to getting the rear wheel in the air, especially from stationary is to release the clutch lever sharply at the moment the rear suspension starts to unload.

    Get this right and the move suddenly becomes a LOT easier.

    Definatly agree with that, Popping the clutch helps the rear end to lift up. It's just a case of getting you're clutch timing right so you don't stall the bike, Give it time though & it will all come to you at once.

  12. Bit out of Order Beta Ben. If you have such an issue with the minder of section 4 why did you not A - Take it up with the minder himself on the day like an adult, or B - discuss this with the Clerk of the course.

    You could also argue that the observers at the top of section 4, were marking riders for toeing off the sump, even though Feet were still on the pegs!!!! Pune got 3 on the first lap for this.

    Either way i'm not saying the observers were right, but go through the right channels fella, don't hide behind a computer and name call.

    End of the day these guys have given up there time to observe our sport.

    So come on guys like all kiss and make up, Sunday was a superb day, and i hope it returns there next year. :thumbup:

    You're 100% right, How many observers was there on section 4? I was only talking about the one stood at the end of the section next to the big logs, The fact that the mistake he made with the local lad to me, Really annoyed me as it nearly cost him a place, & I really didn't care for his attitude to some of the minders in Expert A & B classes, But that's my opinion. Some will agree & some will disagree. Let's leave it at that.

    Will give a massive credit to the two observers on section 11 (I think) who spent all day running from one end of the section to the other, Must have lost a stone by the end of the day!

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  13. I have never used a TRP Shock myself, But I use an Ohlins on my Beta Evo & I would highly reccomend them to anyone, It Has made my suspension a lot more firm & is much smoother, All you need now is to find someone who uses a TRP shock, Or you could drop an email to your local dealer, See what they reccomend!

    I'm not 100% sure but I don't think any modifications are required for it to fit.

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