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Everything posted by jfc
  1. Have the needles fallen out?
  2. jfc

    Cooked Engine

    Without knowing the bike and witnessing the use of the bike it's all just talk I agree!
  3. jfc

    Cooked Engine

    Thedbf if the bike has been abused then it is his fault, and if the bike was overheating and the rider just continued to ride, then it is still his fault. You can't get the bike to the described condition without noticing unless it was dropped and it had a runaway engine and even then it's still the rider at fault. Sorry if this seems harsh but can't see how the bike has been running fine and finished as scrap without any sign of a fault that would tell the rider to stop!
  4. The entry need to be in by the 14th I think, you can enter on the day but if costs more. May be worth ordering the gazette to get all your entry forms and dates of up coming events and all the info you need about the south west centre.
  5. If you put it around your wrist twice it takes out the slack and also helps stop it catching in the stray twigs and bushes as you are riding.
  6. Brilliant, we were there, well both my boys were riding I was walking. Think I saw you but was not sure, glad you had a good time. Morton have a club trial this weekend, not sure about the routes being set, west of England on the 19th, again a great venue but is a south west champ round for all grades except youth d, you need to enter in advance.
  7. jfc

    Photo Fun?

    Lots of riders I know, but can't work out the venue!
  8. Credit where credit is due! I applied for my licence and my two sons licences on the 28th of December and sent off the parental consent form on the same day, I received all three licences back today. Considering the time of year and the number of renewals that must be in the system, brilliant thank you.
  9. I was doubtful of the merits but having to fit a lanyard to my eldest sons bike for the BTC rounds has been an eye opener just how well it works, so much so that I have fitted another to my younger sons bike as well. Normally a runaway bike develops after the rider has fallen from the bike or a screaming bike on the floor happens once the rider has dropped the bike and the throttle has stuck in the ground, both of these situations are stopped before the bike has reached high revs as the engine is killed before the situation has reached the danger point and the bike tends to just stop in its tracks.
  10. jfc

    No Spark

    Got your spark back! Good result.
  11. jfc

    No Spark

    Sorry I have just looked at the PDF for the rev and it does not have one external to the flywheel.
  12. jfc

    No Spark

    Can't remember on the revs but the evo has a pickup mounted at 10 o'clock outside of the flywheel, it is held in place with Alan headed machine screws,
  13. jfc

    No Spark

    Just a side note is the flywheel pickup close enough to the flywheel 0.5/1.0 m. And is the plug brand new out of the box never been used plug!
  14. jfc

    No Spark

    You just drive the flywheel nut with a socket connected to a cordless drill, make sure of direction! When you say plug insulator in your post above do you mean the metal spanner flats of the plug? Or do you mean the ceramic insulated part of the plug?
  15. If the bike has just been put putting around the oil will have built up, you have now got it hot and are seeing the result of years of unburnt oil. I do not know the recommended petrol oil ratio for your bike but it is quite a conservative ratio if the bike is not being ridden hard.
  16. jfc

    No Spark

    We must be missing something simple, please don't take offence but you are checking for a spark with the plug earthed against a well earthed part of the bike? Also can you spin the engine with a drill, plug out and earthed, turn your garage lights off and look for sparks shorting onto the frame from any wiring.
  17. jfc

    Rev 3 Radiator Fixing

    The mount is threaded through the frame, just unscrew with a pair of grips
  18. The jitsie is good, the best £30 you can spend, it will save you money. It kills a bad situation before it has chance to develop into a major problem.
  19. jfc

    No Spark

    Kill switch first, disconnect and check for spark again.
  20. jfc

    Rev 3 Radiator Fixing

    The rubber grommet has male stud on one side and a female thread on the other, replace the grommets and all will be well
  21. The tail pipe to the mid is sealed by an O ring.
  22. Pete, practice is good but you need to enter a few trials on the novice route so you know what to practice and also you can be the best rider when practicing but you need the pegs in the ground to know what you can and can not do. Welcome to the trials world, you will love it. John
  23. Dropdownagear did you get up to Hound Tor? Just checked out the website, think you were caught on camera! Or at least it looks like your bike in your profile pic.
  24. jfc

    Brake Squeak

    Putting a slight chamfer on the leading edge of the pads has been known to sort out a squeak, but it depends on the cause. That is probably not a lot of help!
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