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Everything posted by jfc
  1. Could be head gasket fault over pressurising the rad, but rad cap should have released well before the hose split unless the hose was in poor condition!
  2. jfc

    Setting Sag ?

    Sorry I do not know for sherco, All the info needed for beta is held on the Beta web site, do sherco not give access to this info?
  3. jfc

    Setting Sag ?

    Try Here for how http://www.Gas Gas.com/Pages/Technical/trials-suspension-tips.html Then check the spec sheet for your make and model of bike, look for rear wheel travel work out 1/3 of this figure.
  4. No I have not, on inspection of the sparkplug it is all ways dry sooty black in colours (possibly misleading me into thinking it is running rich) I did drop the needle to lean it off but did not like the outcome, It is now back as shipped. With the plug running black is it wise to lift the needle? The shock is now set with 5mm free sag and just over 1/3 race sag, I have adjusted the rebound damping just enough to take the edge off the rebound and slow things down slightly. I will need to give it some riding time to see how it feels as I have only been on the driveway.
  5. Thanks for your time and the info, Just noticed you are talking about rev 3, the evo is a linkage system with dog bone linkage!
  6. Ralphy What about the free sag! do i need any as posted above, I want to get this set the best I can! John
  7. 90 KG By free sag do you mean sag with no weight on the bike, if so it has no free sag!
  8. Hi all I have been using the bike from new with the rear sag set as it came from the shop. After reading lots on set up and finding it all very complicated I left it set as was to avoid loosing its good grip (if it isn't broken, don't fix it). I have now gripped the nettle and checked the sag, it was nearly 50% of the rear travel! So I have now set it to 1/3 of its travel as described here http://www.Gas Gas.c...nsion-tips.html The rear of the bike is now much more active and easier to hop, but I am concerned that I may now loose grip more easily or have other problems. Will I now have to re-learn how to ride the bike or should it improve my riding? Any thoughts would be more than welcome. John
  9. Thanks for your reply, Just got the spec on the LWB and behind the rear seats its 1800 mm, my bikes with the bars on full lock are less than this, not having used vans before (car and 3 bike trailer at present) do you think bikes in the van head to toe and bars on full lock they may fit?
  10. Greg sorry but I dont quite understand your post.
  11. Can you get three bikes in the new style vivaro spottive/ traffic sport doublecab vans? If so will it need to be the lwb? Also any reviews on vivaro or traffic which one?
  12. jfc

    Rev 4t Running Poorly

    Hi Have you checked in the base of the air box, oil can collect within the air box after a big off. Then when you hit a step some of the oil can be pulled into the carb and cause poor running. We had this problem and found the above, once cleaned out it was sorted, you may need to clean the carb as well.
  13. Let us know how you get on. It a real annoying fault to pin down.
  14. We had the same problem with our 2010 evo 80 (it would just miss one beat at low to mid rev but it was very intermitant) we changed the CDI unit and that sorted it. After removing the CDI I found that water had enterded the short cable sheath leading to the CDI unit (possibly during jet washing) may be worth removing the CDI and see if any water comes out of the cable entry. We sealed the new CDI sheath and has been ok since. John
  15. jfc

    2011 Evo

    Yes, If you unplug it it should run, if not the kill switch is probably ok,you need to check for cables shorting possibly on frame ect
  16. jfc

    2011 Evo

    It can give a week spark if it has a high resistance fault to earth when it is not depressed.
  17. jfc

    2011 Evo

    Have you removed the kill switch. If it is the original kill switch you should get a new one (yam type).
  18. The next Easy round is the 29th of October so come and have a look see, there may be one sooner as the last one was cancelled so it may be put back on. John.
  19. The West Of England Club do a very good easy round for adults and kids. (your lad may need to be on an electric bike untill he is six) www.westofenglandmc.co.uk
  20. After 4 X lites and 4 sidewall punctures, we are back on X11
  21. Hi all one fork seal is leaking, I have not changed seals before and have searched forums but can not find a "how to post". If you could help with the basic A,B,C points that would be great. Many thanks John. PS is it best to change both or just the leaking seal.
  22. jfc

    Over heating rev3

    It is a very common problem (search Beta forum for water leak, milky oil) I have just done my sons Rev 3 125, Replaced the casing and seals, came out at about
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