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Everything posted by jfc
  1. jfc

    Over heating rev3

    Have you lost any coolant into the cluch/gearbox, causing the remaining coolant to boil? if so check behind your water pump impellor for corrosion and shaft seal wear!
  2. Easy to do, just drain the coolant via the drain screw on the water pump housing. Remove the housing (you may need to get a new gasket but I did re-use mine), remove the circlip that holds on the impeller, remove the old water seal (small terminal screwdriver), check the drive shaft for wear, it should be ok, fit the new seal with the wire spring side of the seal facing out. I used a socket of the same size or slightly smaller to press the seal into position. If the water boiled you should check that the thermostat is working and that the fan will run!! Also if the clutch/gearbox oil is not milky then the water pump seal may be ok and you need to look at fan and thermostat first. We use silkolene Pro-cool for coolant. Hope this helps John
  3. jfc

    Rev 80 misfire

    Mark We had the same problem with a 2008 Rev 80, we repacked the tail pipe and the problem went away. possibly it has oiled up since you replaced the tail pipe. We also had a misfire on a 2010 Evo 80, this time it was the cdi unit, water had got into the cdi up through the 60mm long outer cable cover. we have now sealed the end of this so water can not enter the cdi. Hope this helps JFC
  4. Slick How did it go? one of my lads had a good time (not so much fun for me running around!!). JFC
  5. The west of england easy trials are about as good as it gets, well set out and a laid back atmosphere, lots of fun. get your ACU licence form filled out and hand it in to Vic with
  6. jfc

    Evo 250 4t

    EVO 300 4T, you need to test ride, but if you do you will buy one!!
  7. I have a 300 and I have not had any starting problems hot or cold (not had to use the hot start once). The power is soft and smoooooth untill you give it a handfull and then you just hang on.
  8. A Beta 80 would be more than powerful enough and size wise much more manageable than a 125. My sons have Beta Rev80's and they pull my 12 stone up and over banks and rocks. The Beta Rev 80 from 2008 onward is a very capable bike from the first ride up to youth C national trials. Hope this helps JFC
  9. jfc

    C & D Results

    Good Result Thomas well done
  10. jfc

    C & D Results

    Well done Billy. John, Jack & Tom
  11. Try westofenglandmc.co.uk
  12. I have a three bike trailer from dave cooper, very good trailers tows well and at a good price. www.davecooper.co.uk Good Luck John.
  13. Click Hi welcome to the Evo world, The web site above has info on the seat vents that need to be blocked (silicon from underside or decal from above). Info is 3/4 down on the front page. Hope you enjoy your evo as much as I do. I can not fault it. John.
  14. Dougie is on 5th gear now, Ch5
  15. Thanks for your reply, sounds like more than enough for my ability.
  16. Hi all. Has anyone booked a trials holiday at Hermitage Working Farm Froghall Nr Cheadle. What is is trials ground like (novice, clubman, expert) is the ground varied? Did you have a good time?
  17. Try this link http://www.betatrialuk.com/content/view/58/51/
  18. What did you find, were the clearances out of spec?
  19. 32 on our TY80 hope that helps.
  20. And what a review, You just have to try one to know how good it is!
  21. jfc

    Rev 3 Over Revving

    Have you checked the throttle cable is not sticking / binding or that the slide is dirty and causing the slide to close slowly. (when the engine is off can you hear the throttle snap shut when you release the twist grip)
  22. I Removed the swinging arm and linkage today, lubed all the bearings and reassembled, the results were well worth all the effort (smooooth squeak free action ). It has been mentioned in the beta forum that bearings have been found dry, mine were not dry but needed more grease than I found.
  23. Evo 300 4T, has anyone noticed a backfire on over-run (long downhill with throttle shut), my bike will backfire several times while in over-run but is running well in every other situation.
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