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Everything posted by jfc
  1. It would have had one originally but must have been removed.
  2. Stall is "old school" and fine. But fitting a lanyard kill switch will save money on parts and possibly injury as well.
  3. Ditto 2015 125 throw its chain as my son was riding between sections (probably on song at the time!). Lost a total of 5 teeth across two gears, parts on order. Have ordered gaskets but the original base gasket is a rubbery construction not paper, is this gasket designed to be reused?
  4. Good on you for trying to get your head around the problem for yourself, we all started the same way! You have been given very good info here and once you get your hands on your bike it will all become clear, try and get your dad to read this thread and then shadow YOU doing the work so he can stop you if you go off track. This way you will get the bike sorted and also have a better understanding of how your bikes systems interact with each other so you can fix it next time.
  5. You can find the engine service manual for the evo here (very similar just more developed) http://www.betausa.com/node/708
  6. Have you checked (disconnected) your kill switch?
  7. jfc

    Brake Caliper

    Check if your lever is returning and adjusted so that there is no pressure on the plunger (if you remove the lever from the bike that will ensure the plunger has returned and that the return passage for the fluid is open).
  8. Have a look at the beta clutch fix (pinned at the top of the beta page) it well worth a read, trials bikes and dragging clutches is nothing new, don't go spending a lot of time and money until you have got to the bottom of it, if the bike has very little use you may need to get it hot and then really give the clutch some abuse!
  9. Don't know how but I never log out one day to the next and always just pick up where I left off! Must be a nightmare.
  10. Hario Did you get to the Devonport trial?
  11. Enjoy enjoy and enjoy some more!
  12. This will help - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hjoj7n74G0s
  13. If you have the Allen head protruding as you turn the kickstart away from the bike into the starting position it can't do anything but release from the shaft!
  14. Just undo the retainining Allen bolt 3 or 4 turns and then rotate the kickstart into the starting position, the Allen bolt head should strike the kickstart arm and pull the kickstart off the tapered shaft.
  15. Hario I sent you a PM with contact details, also there is also a devonport club trial at uphempston on Monday, 11am.
  16. Highlights are on Motors TV freeview Channel 71 at 8 PM (now)
  17. The next club trial is on the 20th of May (Wednesday evening) either come along for a look or contact the club secretarie and ask about entering, you can sign up for your licence on the day (I think) and join the club if you want to ride. The club does run a class for enduro style bikes at some of their events but give them a ring.
  18. Hi Hario Welcome to the best keep secret that we call trials, you will be well served in Devon for the choice of trials to ride, you could ride almost every weekend and quite often on Saturday and Sunday and even mid week in the evenings during the summer. Within South Devon the West of England Club run an easy chapionship with 3 or 4 levels of "easy" depending on your perspective of Easy.
  19. Having read all your posts on this site you seem to be very negative about everything you post about with the exception of Honda. Thank you for your compliments in your last post, nice.
  20. Go back to RR then and don't lower you high standards! Rant over.
  21. May be worth re-packing your tail pipe as it could just be a build up of old oil that is causing it to smoke, especially if it get worse just after a hard long climb. If your bike is running well check the packing before changing your oil ratio.
  22. Me too, been using it (semi) for 10 years without a problem!
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