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Everything posted by jfc
  1. jfc

    Rev 4T Oil Question

    Hi I have been using Repsol moto 4T racing 10W50 in my evo 2010 4t from new, and had no issues to report and had great clutch action without any clutch mods.
  2. From memory it should be pointing down. But as stated above it is only a slosh / overflow. You could take the hose up and form a loop above the height of the carb bowl and back down this would reduce the amount of slosh that would spill out.
  3. No it should be open by design, but we have blocked ours internally and removed the tube that extends up into the carb. This has two advantages, no more fuel loss when fuel is sloshed around in the carb and also cleaning the carb becomes very easy as the bowl removal and replacement is straight forward and you don't need to learn the knack as until learnt it can be very frustrating. It should have a vent pipe on it but not returning to the carb.
  4. 125 evo, it will give you your confidence back, if you start again where you left off you will find that you are riding as a novice and everyone else has moved on and it will feel as if you have to be twice as good to get your bike to do what the modern bike novices are doing with their eyes closed. Ones you have got your skills back and used to the modern style of sections and riding then you could make the change back.
  5. Hi and welcome, you will love it, it is very addictive.
  6. jfc

    Vertigo Launch

    Sorry dadof2 you are wrong in your last post!
  7. jfc


    Has permission been given for the words being put into dealers mouths, when they are still affiliated to a brand?
  8. Hi If you filled the rad to the top you will get some steam and coolant out of the overflow, the coolant needs room to expand, once the correct level is reached it should stop. Normally the coolant is just above or level with the cooling fins as you look into the rad, when the bike is cold.
  9. Thank you, from memory Nigel you could have said I told you so! But tell it as it is the good the bad and the ugly.
  10. Update- 60 thousand miles new gearbox needed, covered by waranty but still not good, this is one of many as avised by others on this forum.
  11. Great read, I could not stop reading once I started, thank you for sharing.
  12. The bp5es is the plug you need, but before you start to re-jet the carb check that tail pipe as you will be chasing you tail if you do the jetting first.
  13. Welcome back Dusty. You won't get away again you will love the light modern bikes.
  14. Have you repacked the tail pipe? If not then you will probably find the smoke you are getting is from years of unburnt oil, if the tailpipe is chocked with oil this will also stop the bike running correctly. You can get a replacement packing cartridge from lampkins for about £15.00 and it's a 5 min job to fit it may sort out both problems in one hit (smoking and running poorly).
  15. Just checked my boys bikes as the plug you mention and also the one I said would help did not ring true, we are using BP5ES as recommended by The UK importer for the UK climate.
  16. The BP6ES will help but you really need to mix your fuel at 70 :1 but better at 80:1 so long as you are using a good brand of oil semi or full synthetic the bike will be more than happy at the higher ratios.
  17. jfc


    Hi and welcome. One year in and sounds like your hooked.
  18. Best to change the casing, was about £100 to do with fluids when I did my sons rev, but peace of mind once done.
  19. Hi The new casings are no longer magnesium so all good once changed. This link may help http://www.trialscentral.com/forums/topic/43857-water-pump-seal/
  20. Has anyone got a review of the 2015 Racing, good bad or Indifferent?
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