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  1. The packing you have removed acts as a silencer, so you need to repack with new packing. Before re-packing, blow a heat gun through the exhaust for a few minutes, it will heat up and burn off the oil.
  2. Mr Gollner got the measurements right!
  3. If this second spike carries on, none of us will be out there!
  4. 4stroke

    Seeley photos

    I still use mine regularly, although it has grown up into a 250.
  5. You do notice a difference.
  6. Quite a few of us coming over to ride at the weekend. Looking forward to it!
  7. Do you have the Beta twist grip or Domino? I had problems when I fitted a slow action to mine.
  8. How did you get on Steve? You looked to be doing ok from what I saw. Didn't get a chance to say hello but hope to see you at the next one as well!
  9. Welcome Steve, nice easy Scunthorpe club trial at Whitton on Sunday! Jump in at the deep end, go on you know you want to.
  10. Just measured mine, 15mm.
  11. Two different types of front wheels in the 200's. I will measure mine tomorrow. Can you slide the spindle and wheel sideways in the fork clamps to centre it?
  12. 4stroke

    Cota 223

    Has anyone tried the 223cc mod on a Cota 200? Fit a 247 piston in a 200 barrel = 223cc.
  13. Don't do 2t, I like the engine braking of the 4t.
  14. I have a 2016 and it is the best bike I have ever ridden!
  15. 4stroke

    Evo 4t Carb

    My poor running same as yours was fixed with half a turn on the fuel screw. Anti clock to ritchen.
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