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  1. looks like i paid a "new commers premium" for a key(that no longer opens the lock because it gets changed due to vandalism) , and no evidence of any membership , THATS MOTOR SPORT !!
  2. Hi , have heard the same from a mate of mine ,also heard you cannot just arrive and ride you have to buy a membership for
  3. Hello again , thanks for the helpfull advice , as I understand there was a sy250 and an sy 250 R/acing ? I may have the sy racing with lighter flywheel advanced igntion timing ect.... but maybe not . I guess the easiest way to tell is to check the timming marks . I agree with DGshannon , I also think the extra flywheel weight and softer power will be an advantage in this climate , and at my level . will have to give the slow throttle a go , just cheked mine and its a fast one !
  4. Hi Everyone here seems to be very helpfull , so I wonder if you could help me with a few questions . I have just purchased an 03 sy250 and ridden it once and LOVE it , having just switched from enduro i dindnt think the motor was very "revvey" , I have read alot of the posts and it appears this may be normal for a u.k. version , I have also read there are some imported versions available with lighter flywheels and advanced timing . my questions are: 1) my bike has stickers on wich read "sy racing" do they all have this or is this a racing/import model ? 2)should i worry about it (if it aint broke.............)? any anwers would be greatly appreciated
  5. Thanks for the info guys , very helpfull !!!!!!
  6. Hello all , I am trying to find a suitable trials helmet for my six year old son ,but cant find anywhear on the net to buy one ! he currently uses an mx style helmet but would like enter a local trial so i think we need a more appropriate item ? any recomendations would be a great help.
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