Feetupfun That is marvelous and Thanks very much . What a wonderful site. Merry Christmas.
Hello Again Feetupfun could you please measure a filter cage up as im getting a little confused my TY is one of the last ones with the blue striped tank I didnt at first realise that uniflow were an Australian firm and I cant find a dealer in Britain the TY trials do sell the filters but as I mentioned no cage. It would be Much appreciated John.
Thanks very much for the reply I shall order one from uniflow, i didnt know they came as one because on the tytrials website it says in the future they are having some remanufactured ,once again thanks for the help and quick replys.
Hello all ,could anyone please help by posting the dimensions of the air filter cage for theTY 250 twinshock (or even a photo ) as the one on my bike is missing,And as ive never seen one I have no idea what shape or size to make. Thanks John.
Thanks all It wasnt so much getting hold of the Original spokes its just I was a little staggard by the
Thanks for the replies i shall be on the look out for a nice beta !!!
Hello again does any one know where to get spokes soI can rebuild my pinky front wheel I have tried the dealers but not only are they over
Hello all can any one help im interested in buying a 200cc either as the topic states a 200 beta or a 200 gas gas but memory lets me down as I remember reading tests of them both in theTMX that one of them was a sleeved down 250 the other was a bored out 125 I would prefere the sleeved down model can any one point me in the right direction I will be sharing with my son whos just beginning trials thats why I am going down the 200 route instead of buying the 250. Many Thanks john.
Thanks everyone I was wondering if Id missed a o seal or something we will have to live with it then ,Ill get the lad some ear plugs!!
Hello hope you can help me Ive just bought a rev 50 and when the bike is started on choke from cold it fires up and revs like mad so a quick off flick of the choke and the motor dies back down on with the choke and up she revs again so by playing with this you can get it warmed up enough to reset the tick over and be able to ride it. I do have a fantic which does something similar but on a much less dramatic scale. Am I missing something basic, I have checked and the cable is not nipped or the slide isnt sticking I did read that Betas did have a few carb problems was this issue one of them, Im going to have to sort it as its frightening the life out of the lad. many Thanks John
Hello Hope someone can help. I have decided to attack my ty twinshock middle box to repack it as I have already done with my pinky. But unlike the pinky the twin shock has what appear to be three empty seperate chambers behind a mesh and just a thin slice of packing sandwiched between the mesh and the outer skin of the pipe ( the part the heat shield bolts too ) Does anyone know if these chambers should be packed with fibreglass material or left empty, I can see no remains of packing unless it has all disintergrated and blown out. I intend to replace the very fine mesh baffle to the rear of the pipe as a mod I believe Mick Andrews said he does in one of his articles. Im also repacking the rear silencer as a matter of course but dont want to choke the motor if it was designed to have all these empty chambers hope some one can help Many Thanks John.
Hello hope you can help i cant seem to get the kick start off my pinky the nut seems extremly tight or is it a left hand thread ,i dont want to force it any more or try the left hand option just wondered if there was a knack to removal its the alloy type i dont suppose that makes a difference many thanks John.
Hello, has anyone found an alternative to buying the
Thanks Woody thats the way I think im going to have to go. John
Hello again Quick question my recently aquired ty 250 twinshock has a home made alloy air box with a rubber flap riveted in place of the mudguard extension, Im hopeing to go back to the standard fitting yamaha mudguard and extension but only ever having seen a ty 175 box does any body know if its the same or can be adapted or will I be wasting my time as the volume will be insuficient . Does anyone know a good source for the lower extension as all places ive tried it is no longer avaliable even after market products. Thanks for your time John.
Wayne those are the exact same shocks as mine. Did you have to take allan bolt out to strip them down. i cant see any other way to do it. Did you order the repair kit from rock shocks these do seem quite reasonable and i might order one before i start to pull them apart and I also need a set of the rubber bushes, so I shall order these as well. Many thanks for your help and swift reply, and mine are in only slightly better condition than yours!!! John.
Im sure I saw an article on rebuilding the rock shocks does anyone know where it is. Mine have lost the damping but i cant work out how they come apart. Im pretty sure the allen bolt has to come out of the upper mount but dont want to go at them like a bull in a china shop as they are alloy and easy to damage. Im sure they are early ones as they have circlip as well as adjustable collets to put the tension on the spring.Thanks very much John.
Thanks ducman I think I shall add it to the stable suzukitc
Hello could anyone please tell me the difference between a standard yamaha mono rear hub and a talon item.If I had a talon do I need a talon sprocket .Is the pitch of the holes the same as a standard yamaha hub and will, say a renthal fit both. Was the alloy kickstart an after market addition or standard on some models most have the long steel one which does look more substantial,Or where they all alloy and have been replaced over the years.many thanks for your help ,suzuki tc.
Hello just been having a look at the mystery montesa frame i dont know that it is one of the Steve Wilson ones as i think his swinging arms were square as in the black and white photo and not round as on the Mont.I only know this as I have a square section swinging arm (chromed) in the garage and it is also open to the rear of the spindle as in the b/w photo. Can't remember who bought the frame off me it went with a white framed bultaco i once had,and was not stamped or have any sort of serial numbers on it. (the chrome one that is)
Hello all ,I have a 1983 yamaha 250 mono and have landed the sumpgaurd on a rock which has pushed the flywheel cover upwards and snapped off the top two screw bosses,or at least its forced the 6mm allen bolts up through the bosses wrecking them. My question is are the crankcases alloy or are they magnesium i can get alloy welded and make new bosses to weld on but will struggle if they are magnesium.I dont want to bodge the job with metalfillers,so if anyone knows it cant be welded i shall start looking for new crankcases, yes i now know i should have just had a standard cover on not an after market job because they give a bit. many thanks for all future replies.
hello hope someone out there can help i have a 125 majesty that i would like to ride on the road do some long distance trials etc. can anyone tell me how i can date my frame, the engine is not a problem as its just the yamaha unit. ive read all the posts on registring twin shocks , new bikes but there doesnt seem to be one with this particular problem . read the post that says mr shirt isnt very helpful as well. many thanks. regards john