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  1. dean

    4rt Noise Shock!

    Excellent idea on the snowblower, I could pick up a few used two strokes for the project, considering there value continues to plummit and weld one up. Also on the Army issue we haven't needed there services as of yet, but winter is not quit over. Besides I think it is actually Ottawa that calls them in so the people from Toronto can get to work and pay more taxes and receive less federal funding in order to keep the rest of the dead beat cities afloat.
  2. dean

    4rt Noise Shock!

    A few of us in Ontario have our new 4rt's and they are simply amazing. I suggest that they develope "weed wacker attachments" for all remaining 2 strokes for future use, which would deem them somewhat usefull. Anyway, on a more serious note we are running them with all restrictors in and plan on changing the rear sprocket to a 43.
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