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  1. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/256712780443?_skw=small+flywheel+puller&itmmeta=01JKBH332BJZYE5KQE2T96X3NY&hash=item3bc5462a9b:g:aBcAAOSwW4tnMrPw&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA8HoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKlhG732%2BupRwY3DOA5CxHX1jByJijKdseRzyg7CYmylWbKCoQ6QG9EoffBidjWULoTqjwgxTAsxEtva%2BDwRptQbmf6MNNVGYSLzeKYzzgBjosmVVPwfbnya6b%2B9zA2uy6o4iv0xKv67AFih8BfP8pI0%2BEK6I7bQr50oUcXigLiHMfaqt1RnUm%2FY5UysovtqZzwXJvwVR534pfWrVWiXnr3nCdS6ts6yBN7O6QpH45Eyll3JEjpPPGNns23hfSWAkdg5LeOKfLG0P8yizo1%2BS3uQgsEqML91sblGw13Qb4bRRw%3D%3D|tkp%3ABFBMrrGM8Zpl
  2. Have you tried Richard Allan, trials bike breaker.
  3. b40rt

    New Owner 320 TL

    Gear oil , use automatic transmission fluid, 1200ml. On the sump there is an alan key sump plug to drain ( do not touch the 17mm hex beside it, you will regret it if you do) Neutral is never easy to find on this model, but easier with TQF. 50 : 1 - any quality 2stroke. Decompression levers available from motoswm. Probably get a replacement seat cover there too. SWM's won a world championship, and the ssdt. Very capable bikes.
  4. According to the manual it is M18, which is 27mm.
  5. No imperial sizes (originally) Has the centre but been butchered ?
  6. b40rt

    Vertigo SOLD

    Time will tell. No one in my area relies on an EV, they all have an ICE vehicle in addition. 8% of households in my immediate area virtue signal, it was 11% but the "leaf" was an expensive disaster. Re m/c tanks, buy a Ténéré before the prices rocket.
  7. b40rt

    Vertigo SOLD

    We can agree, EV for virtue signalling, ICE for travelling.
  8. Rather than a control tyre, give the experts early start times and reduced time to complete the course.
  9. b40rt

    Vertigo SOLD

    E V car sales are in free fall, the only thing going down faster is their depreciation .
  10. 3 turns out is a lot (assuming the carb was set up for this bike) I'm a fan of Dellorto carbs, and generally they give few problems with basic maintenance. Just check it is a petrol screw (cylinder side of carb) or air screw( filter side of carb)
  11. Your carb may well be less than 100%, but generally it's a slow lingering death. I'd eliminate an air leak first.
  12. It could also be a crankshaft seal, if a new hose doesn't solve the problem.
  13. b40rt

    Vertigo SOLD

    Manel Jané probably cares ?
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