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Posts posted by b40rt
  1. 7 hours ago, nigel dabster said:

    My biggest objection to your point and dismissal of the BTC or WTC is that if anyone is ever good enough aren't they entitled (pun intended) to have a crack at the best and see if they can ride at a level 99.99% of us can only dream of, and who would want to stop them in our sport?

    The world rounds are as relevant to many as football .....

  2. 5 hours ago, Tarmop said:


    it’s just. The points contact wire is supposed to be isolated from ground correct?  So that when the points close it grounds the contact correct?


    From memory, you need to disconnect the black wire if you want the points to act like a switch.

  3. 57 minutes ago, metisse said:

    Had the clutch off and rebuilt now its developed this little problem, one in three / five times when you try and start the bike the kick start slips.  Not clutch slip when riding no drag or delayed action... is it just a case of undoing the nut underneath winding the kickstart and spring up and retighting the nut or maybe something else...I need it for next week and I am crap on the spanners 


    Message Patrik.

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  4. 13 minutes ago, retromlc said:

    Wow,lots of really big words there, well done.

    If you are implying I am egocentric because I believe people should take precautions for themselves or take responsibility for their actions, or read the advice and be aware. And not sit around expecting someone else to do it for them.

    It's not self centered it's asking people take responsibility. Nor does it implying that I am not interested in people

    Remember the person who sued McDonald because she split hot coffee on her and the hadn't printed on the cup that coffee is hot.

    Well this is the same, if you create a society where people expect to be steered all the time and don't use their limited intelligence to take responsibility, then blame everyone for how they have ended up you have to expect people to grow tired of hearing it.

    All my.friends are the same, maybe it's because we run our own businesses, started with nothing and took all the risk, put our money and hours on the line, made our choices. The only friend who isn't like that is a retired civil servant, who knew


     "lots of big words" conversation over, tawt.  

  5. 2 hours ago, retromlc said:

    Thanks your friend can find out himself how to moderate his behaviour.

    Depends if he is a innocent or if he increased his risk through smoking, drinking, obesity, high salt/sugar diet then he already knew how to modify his behaviour and ignored it.

    But if living with covid-19 during treatment then there's plenty of information available. 

    But he can modify his behaviour by doing the whole social distancing thing, or would he like someone to do that for him, sorry if I sound blunt because if you are trying to guilt me with the big C word then that won't work, I have walked my son, an innocent through the cancer journey and we lost. 

    I took him, during treatment to the 24 LeMans, while he was nutropenic, very risky, but hey we moderated our behaviour, controlled the situation and managed all by ourselves. 

    Maybe that's why I get fed up with people's reactions to this virus, it's here to stay and you can live with it,make the most when possible and enjoy your life, or wait until the lifestyle you have led, or your simple genetics give the virus the opportunity it needs to to make you a statistic.


    My friends nickname was the "clock", because he always thought before he acted/spoke. He was professionally involved with risk management, so lecturers on behaviour patterns are not required. I don't believe anyone with a modicum of intelligence, expects the general population to behave sensibly, however transferring all responsibility to the vulnerable is rather egocentric ?




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  6. 2 hours ago, retromlc said:


    I expect the general population will want someone to protect them from the virus if they are an at risk category, because it would require effort on their part to lose weight, change their lifestyle, ensure their safety and the safety of others by moderating their behaviour.


    Excellent advice, but can you elaborate on how my friend recovering from cancer should "moderate his behaviour " ??

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  7. If your drilling the rim to fit the locks, check where the join is as you obviously don't want to drill there. Good wheel builders generally put the joint opposite the valve hole. Most people run 2 locks on the rear, but 1 is fine. Choose the position carefully to give as much space as possible for the nut/spanner.

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  8. 1 hour ago, jonboy883 said:

    I see what you're saying Billyt, but in a low gear at high revs, ie horsepower, no slippage!   Therefore not sure your right.

    Still think it's torque!  When you check a car clutch, high gears on a gradient at lowish revs, and plug in more revs to get the slip. It has nothing to do with high revs producing the horsepower, it's all about the torque generated. Think about auto clutches, they are just torque converters. The clutch uses the torque!


    @faussy one for you ?  (more resistant to movement in high gears)

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