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Posts posted by b40rt
  1. I ran at 32:1 for 20 years, same piston, same main bearings. You have to make the decision if the nano second in engine response is worth changing bearings/pistons if you run at 80:1.

  2. This is my 5TA in a heavily modified B40 frame that I shortened and tightened up the steering head angle. I originally bought it off a mate as an unfinished project 24years ago. I lowered the compression, dropped the primary and secondary gearing and fitted an electrex ignition system, apart from that the motor is standard.

    I have since given it 2 facelifts, the last one included nickle plating the frame and anodising the rims and parts dark green, probably not popular with the purists!

    As for the 350 or 500 debate, although people say that the 350 is smoother, the 500 is so much fun and will pick the front up anywhere in any gear. Even after owning it for so long I still look forward to riding it, and wouldn't swop it for the world 656.jpg654.jpg[/img]

    Most of that is very nice (purist) How does it grip ? Whats are the tank and forks ? Really like the nickel frame, ball park cost and who did it please.

  3. Longer shocks would not raise the gearing as the spatial relationsip between terra firma and the rear wheel spindle remains constant.

    Please be more careful with your analysis, obviously the only way this can happen is if you put more air in the rear tyre.

    500 psi should do it.

    Alternativly remove the silencer, this generally increases power by upwards of 37.3 %.

  4. Along with all the other mods, I now reckon I might need to raise the gearing a little. I currently have a 60 tooth rear sprocket. I was thinking 56 might be better?

    As the sprocket is aluminium I was thinking if I got the dremmel in and ground one tooth off every 90 degrees that will do the trick ?

    The down side is that if i need to go even higher i will have to grind off 4 more teeth (to keep everything balanced like)which might be too much , so would it be be better to start by grinding off one tooth every 120 degrees and then if i need too I could remove another 3 ?

    Easy way to raise the gearing is to get longer shocks.

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