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Posts posted by b40rt
  1. Riding a Lanarkshire club trial at penicuik when I was about 13, I hooked up 5th gear on my trusted ty pinkie and opened her up along a large bit of flat open ground when a large ditch about 6ft deep and 12ft wide opened up in front of me, I slammed on the anchors but was going to fast to stop so I decided to try and jump it so I opened the throttle and dumped the clutch, but it was in 5th so it just sounded like a wet fart and didn't pull in the slightest, proceeded to help it with the legs and had a homer simpson moment (where he tries to jump the gorge on the skate board) front wheel slammed into the opposite bank, I then bounced back and fell off to the side.

    A few seconds later my brother, who was going in the opposite direction saw the whole thing and was nearly crying with laughter told me to get up and hurry up.

    I got up with a sore wrist and tried to ride to the next section but decided to ride the mile and a half back to the car.

    Went to the doctor the next day to find that I had a green stick fracture to my left wrist.

    Had a cast on from wrist to shoulder, but managed to release my thumb from the cast so I could still ride round at future trials with my cast on :rolleyes:

    Is that down by the river, a guy on a Bultaco passed me down there as I slowed and did exactly the same as you, he landed it but bent both footrests, then bounced over the bars.

  2. Barry returned from a doctor's visit one day and told his

    Wife, Carolyn that the doctor said he only had 24 hours to live.

    Wiping away her tears, he asked her to make love with him.

    Of course she agreed and they made passionate love.

    Six hours later, Barry went to her again, and said,

    'Honey, now I only have 18 hours left to live. Maybe we

    Could make love again?'

    Carolyn agreed and again they made love.

    Later, Barry was getting into bed when he realized he now

    Had only eight hours of life left. He touched Carolyn's shoulder

    And said, 'Honey? Please? Just one more time before I die.' She

    Agreed, then afterward she rolled over and fell asleep.

    Barry, however, heard the clock ticking in his head, and

    He tossed and turned until he was down to only four more hours.

    He tapped his wife on the shoulder to wake her up.

    'Honey, I only have four hours left! Could we...?'

    His wife sat up abruptly, turned to him and said,

    'Listen Barry, I'm not being funny....

    ..but I have to get up in the morning and you don't.'

  3. Help!

    I bought a 240 JCM trials bike some time ago which appeared to work perfectly. However, I've since discovered that when the engine is hot, she's difficult, nay impossible, to start. Then when the engine cools down, she starts perfectly again. I suspect that it could be a problem with the little red box thing under the petrol tank which I think is something to do with electronic ignition perhaps??? I've thrashed her with a leafy branch, called her a few unprintable names and locked her away in solitary confinement for a few months but she still flatly refuses to behave. Any technical advice would be much appreciated.

    Stick with percussive maintenance, works for me !

  4. There soon will be Graham,There's a big problem waiting in the shadows for club's across the country,now rider's can stop and hop legaly in the same section than non stop rider's,i don't need to write all the in's and out's of the mayhem this will cause apart from saying once the stop and hop rider's make there way through the rank's to expert's there going to want the COC to make the Expert route tougher so they have more of a challenge for there trade,so now where does the Expert rider go that want's to ride non stop but unable to trick there way through the route,he could go down a class well before he's ready and upset alot of people or he could give up the sport because there's simply no point going backward's.

    There's probaly still alot more Expert's in clubs that can only ride non stop than there are stop and hop's,so why not put a hard stop and hop route in above the Expert route and calm the headache thats waitng.

    Just make a new class, no front wheel or forks. Stop and hop till your hearts content.!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. The Police attitude to the theft of the bike and their attitude to nicking the robbery suspects were as different as chalk and cheese (although if you've ever tried Tescos own brand cheddar you won't understand that comparison ;) ).

    If you look up "own brand" in the dictionary, and I quote - see effluent.

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