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Posts posted by b40rt
  1. Well Big J & HL,

    I have always had a policy, that, on a monday morning if a soldier is in the sh-t from the weekend, he should be stood outside my office at 0800hrs ready to confess to the crime and take the punishment.

    If not and I find out secound hand, then I rip his/her head of and Sh-t down their neck from a great height and they go staight to the pockie (Jail) for some corrective training.

    I can make myself avalable when required.


    The RSM

    I knew a RSM, nicest bloke you could wish to meet, nobody ever argued with him, even when he retired. I wonder why ?

  2. Congratulations Gaz and Mrs Gaz & Gazette.

    I watched my daughter being delivered bu c section, not for the faint hearted.

    We used to go riding sections together when she was about 3, her sitting, me standing.

    Ah memories. Like I fell asleep at the wheel and crashed the car.

    Your going to be tiered, so be careful. And enjoy.

  3. In road racing, lack of engine / frame no's get you kicked out. The police, I'm told got to race meeting in civvies and admire the bike in the car parks etc. Apparently with some success.

    Unfortunately, if a bike is stolen as a donor of internal mechanical parts its not so easy. Maybe wiring and sealing motors, with receipts for repair parts might make a difference.

    None of this helps trials I know, but the less attractive these sorts of thefts become, maybe they will move on to something else.

    I was repairing a window at a flat that had been broken into a few weeks ago, nothing they thought had been taken, very little mess. The thieves were not interested in i-pods etc, only lap tops. Sat navs are also desirable, you have been warned.

    As GrahamJayzee says, it wont stop joyriders, and a new generation is born with monotonous regularity. Edinburgh does have a center where offenders work on bikes, repairing, building etc. Unfortunately this is almost a reward for stealing, though better than continuing to offend.

    Apparently, alot of offenders stop when they reach 16, and can be held to account. This may also be down to female distractions etc.

    Maybe the government should insist that all bikes are fitted with one of those devices that can be activated when its stolen, some Police cars are fitted with tracking devises. I believe that JCB fit tracker as standard to their machines.

  4. Give it a chance. I wouldn't lump it in with the Chinese crap. I don't know if you guys get their products on that side of the pond, but here in the US their bikes are a joke, getting a bit better but a joke non the less.

    I was speaking to a local bike repair business and they think Chinese bikes are fantastic ! Been keeping them busy since they appeared.

  5. Ive got one how about we convince them to buy our hormone beef by giving everyone who buys a under 500cc EU bike a 50% government rebate check.

    Trouble is, once you've been eating hormone beef, you need a bike over 500cc to move you !

  6. How to post photos.

    I use photobucket.com to host pics then to add them to the post i just hit the little button with a photo on it, second to the right from the smilys. then when the box comes up asking for the URL give it the direct link URL from the photo.

    this is the direct link URL for this photo:http://i311.photobucket.com/albums/kk448/ggprotrialer/hotdogs.jpg

    Courtesy of Redneck

  7. Triumph triples designed in the UK are now acknowledged as leading the sports bike class (600cc), Quote MCN

    List of components look quality.

    From comments about changing main bearing read on this site, being able to remove an engine in 45 mins might be a relevant point.

    I know which one I'd take between a Xispa and a Greeves.

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