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Posts posted by b40rt
  1. This is the supposed radio conversation of a US naval ship communicating

    with Canadian authorities off the coast of Newfoundland in October 1995.

    The Radio conversation was released by the chief of naval operations on


    CANADIANS : please divert your course 15 degrees to the south to avoid

    a collision.

    AMERICANS : We recommend you divert your course 15 degrees to the north to avoid a collision.

    CANADIANS : Negative, you will have to divert your course 15 degrees to

    the south to avoid a collision.

    AMERICANS : this is the captain of a US Navy Ship, I repeat divert your


    CANADIANS : NO, I say again, you divert your course NOW.

    AMERICANS : This is the Aircraft Carrier USS LINCOLN, the second largest ship in the United States Atlantic Fleet, We are accompanied

    by 3 destroyers, 3 cruisers, and numerous support vessels, I DEMAND

    that you change your course 15 degrees to the north, I repeat that's

    15 degrees to the north, i repeat that's one five degrees to the north or

    counter-measures will be undertaken to ensure the safety of this fleet.

    CANADIANS : this is the off shore Newfoundland lighthouse, your call !

  2. Switch the petrol off, leave it to dry out, try starting it without putting the petrol on. If it starts then put the petrol on.

    You will have to strip the carb to check float level etc.

    Should be plenty posts on here as this is not an uncommon problem.

    Good to get help if you havent done it before. Work in a clean area with plenty of light, you will drop something.

    Take your time.

  3. Some progress on the project already, (see latest article) but still a long way to go.

    thanks for the tips so far. Gavin himself is now subscribed to TC, but has to ensure that the missus isn't aware of the latest project activity.

    How much do you subtract from the real price when your wife asks how much it cost ?

  4. Interesting topic. Regarding rear end rising or falling under power, must affect grip.

    There is a lot of talk elsewhere of fitting longer shocks to tighten up the steering, this must upset the relationship you have mentioned for the rear end.

    The chain touches the top of the swinging arm on my B40, wore two groves, then bedded in. Its probably a little over engineered anyway.

  5. The capacitor is there to stop the points arcing and wearing or pitting when they open by storing the small amount of stator energy that tries to jump across the points gap when they open. It has nothing to do with the spark at the plug. The stator windings produce electricity which goes (when the points are open) to the primary winding in the ignition coil which then transfers (it is a transformer) to the secondary winding to produce the spark at the plug. The time the points open determines when the spark occurs.(hence the term "timing".) The capacitor is discharged every time the points close. Kicking the bike over cannot increase the charge in the capacitor as it discharges on every rotation. A failed capacitor can stop the spark at the plug if it shorts out the stator to earth, usually because the dielectric material it is made of fails internally.

    I will need to check the description, but the capacitor (big blue lucas) is much larger than a conventional unit. As you say, it discharges when the points close, but if the plug is out it has nowhere to go. Worked for me.

  6. Pinch the wifes hair drier for the job, heat the decal both sides and the metal and it makes the job alot easier, as said above heat it when on and any bubbles can be pushed out, dont leave it running on the floor next to the wall and burn the motor out though :wub: she wont be happy

    Do hair straighteners work ?

  7. Land Issues are important but im setting here with all kind of land available and hardly any riders to ride it. The way i see it the problem is where they allow trials bikes they think they have to allow 4 wheelers.We have a natural forest of 12000 acres near us that 4 wheelers have rutted up causing major errosion. The idiots on 4 wheelers are just as much of a problem as the idiot tree huggers.

    I doubt if the tarrif goes anywhere and as a farmer i feel the Eu does need to be punished but not with a trials bike tarrif with a mercedes volvo tarrif.


    On a positive note about trials after having 3 bikes for sale ever since the economic meltdown I went 2 or 3 months not one call and knew of 2 or 3 other bikes in the area for sale with no activity then all at once 2 of my bikes sold 2 other bikes sold and ive gotten 3 calls in last 2 days and tommorow night the wind chill is suppose to be 15 below hard to figure

    Maybe the way to get the EU to lift its ban on American Beef would be to stop treating it with growth hormones, seems kind of obvious to me. If the customer doesn't want your product the way you sell / produce it, surely you change the production method ?

    Is this not just a back door method of banning off road bikes ?

  8. There have been clones of the old Honda XL 125 coming out of China for years, some say Honda had some money in the Chinese factories ?? The engines are not too bad apparently but the rest is rubbish, they rarely make it to the first MOT @ 3 yrs old. They were under
  9. used a rack on the back of a polo and a punto. no probs fitting the things on and off in no time. needs zero storage space. stuff all fits in boot whilst your on the bike.

    down sides are bike can get mucky going to trials ( but then trials aint no concours) when removed before selling from the polo noticed that the tow bar mounting pints had dented the boot floor a fair bit, but it was 10 years old by then so no probs ( wouldnt want it on a NEW car)

    defo worth doing especially if you can pick one up second hand.. dont forget to get a proper lightboard with reg no. and a pair of really decent ( minimum 30mm wide) rachet straps. dont spend 5 quid on straps to hold a 3 grand bike on!

    Good point about the straps, I personally wouldn't use straps with the S type ends as they can pop off if the cars bounces.

  10. ditto :P

    It's not all doom and gloom though! There are some industries doing ok amongst all of this. Just need to get some confidence back and were off again!

    Now only if the media could start telling us about some of the good things that are happening out there :wub:

    Yeah, the MP's are about to give themselves a 25% pension hike.

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