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Posts posted by b40rt
  1. An older, white haired man walked into a jewelry store one Friday evening with a beautiful young gal at his side. He told the jeweler he was looking for a special ring for his new girlfriend.

    The jeweler looked through his stock and brought out a $5,000 ring. The old man said, "No, I'd like to see something more special."

    At that statement, "The jeweler went to his special stock and brought another ring over. "Here's a stunning ring at only $40,000" the jeweler said.

    The young lady's eyes sparkled and her whole body trembled with excitement. The old man seeing this said, "We'll take it."

    The jeweler asked how payment would be made and the old man stated, "By check. I know you need to make sure my check is good, so I'll write it now and you can call the bank Monday to verify the funds and I'll pick the ring up Monday afternoon," he said.

    Monday morning, the jeweler phoned the old man. "Sir, I am sorry to inform you that There's no money in that account.

    I know," said the old man, "But let me tell you about my weekend !"

    A blonde enters a store that sells curtains. She tells the salesman, "I would like to buy a pair of thick curtains?

    The salesman assures her that they have a large selection of pink curtains. He shows her several patterns, but the blond seems to be having a hard time choosing.

    Finally she selects a lovely pink floral print. The salesman then asks what size curtains she needs.

    The blonde promptly replies, "fifteen inches."

    "Fifteen inches???" asked the salesman. "That sounds very small, what room are they for?"

    The blonde tells him that they aren't for a room, they are for her computer monitor

    The surprised salesman replies, "but Miss, computers do not need curtains!"

    The blond says, "Hellllooooooooo .... I've got Windoooooows!"

    A woman was in town on a shopping trip. She began her day finding the most perfect shoes in the first shop and a beautiful dress on sale in the second. In the third shop everything had just been reduced to a fiver when her mobile phone rang. It was a female doctor notifying her that her husband had just been in a terrible accident and was in critical condition and in the ICU.

    The woman told the doctor to inform her husband where she was and that she'd be there as soon as possible.

    As she hung up she realised she was leaving what was shaping up to be her best day shopping ever. She decided to hit a few more shops before heading to the hospital. She ended up shopping the rest of the morning, finishing her trip with a cup of coffee and a beautiful coffee slice complimentary from the last shop. She was jubilant.

    Then she remembered her husband. Feeling guilty, she dashed to the hospital. She met with the doctor in the corridor and asked about her husband.

    The lady doctor glared at her and shouted, "You went ahead and finished your shopping trip didn't you! I hope you're proud of yourself! While you were shopping for the past four hours enjoying yourself in town, your husband has been languishing in ICU. It's just as well you went ahead and finished, because it will be more than likely the last shopping trip you ever take! For the rest of his life he will require round the clock care, 24/7 for as long as he lives and because you’re his wife, you'll be his carer!"

    The woman was feeling so guilty she broke down and sobbed.

    The doctor then giggled and said, "I'm just pulling your leg, he's dead. What'd you buy?"

  2. I prefer it completely dry and clean. Any sort of grease just attracts mud and grit. Not something your family saloon comes across much of !!!

    Copperslip dries completly and does not attract dust etc, not a lubricant as such, an anti sieze compound. A tin will last most people many years.

  3. We always apply a smear of 'Copperease' 'Coppaslip' or anti-seize paste. Don't go mad with it though, just a light smear on the back of the pad and ensuer you don't let it get on the braking surface of the pad!

    Big John

    Standard practice in the motor trade. (real mechanics anyway)

  4. Here in the most nannified country in the world, competition rules require not just self-returning- folding footpegs, but they must use a spring to return them not just gravity. Here is what I did on my TY175 with Miller pegs. There is a spring loaded pin that will lock the peg in the up position, and it releases by just bumping the peg after the motor starts.

    Thats clever.

    But I think we hold the crown for most nannified country. (In everything that doesn't matter, of course)

  5. HA! I like the way you think!

    That or put 49 cc cylinders piston and heads on them then sell us the cylinder piston and head as an add on kit.... Ut oh i think I have given away too much. Brilliant!!!!


    No the sphinkter police are way ahead of you, they have maximum power, and power to weight ratios !

  6. Yep, sheet metal tank/seat unit, folded along top edges and a row of rivets running along bottom edges. Some kind of quick release screws for the seat. If I remember correctly, very reminiscent shape-wise of the Gaunt 118cc Suzukis. Nice bike neatly made!

    Don't recall anything about chain-tensioning extra sprockets though. However, I understand that Duncan later went into making some pretty handy mountain bikes, so it wouldn't surprise me if he played around with something like that. I don't think large numbers were ever done, so maybe each one was a bit of a special? Could be that one or more of the others had it. No doubt someone here will know.

    I usually see Duncan's brother Andy a couple of times a year, observing at trials like the Dave Rowland, so I'll maybe ask him when I get the chance.


    I think it was about this time that disc brakes appeared on trials bikes, still dont think they will ever catch on.

  7. Do you mean 'English' Ross??????????

    Big John

    The inference in a number of posts is that Scottish riders are favoured, over 9 : 1 would discredit that.

    I'm sure that any reasonable person realizes that it would be an impossible task to allocate places, with the exception of past winners etc.

    My comment was an attempt to steer the disappointment of not gaining an entry, away from creating a soure note on the build up to what will, I'm sure, will be yet another fantastic event.


  8. Indeed you are.

    IDMCC also run a 2 Day Pre 65 Trial, in June, for anyone interested or unlucky in the Kinlochleven ballot

    :thumbup: D.

    For all the riders that are unlucky at the pre65 here's the perfect antidote, great trial having ridden and enjoyed it for the last two years. No ballot (yet) Again a very beautiful and rugged part of the country. Probably easier to get to. Plenty of accommodation and campsites. Great fish and chip shop, Indian etc within a few miles.

  9. [

    B40rt - To support my Bultaco habit I'm a builder and plumber. The stand is made of 15mm copper pipe from Wickes and the joints are all standard yorkshire fittings. I'd recommend 22mm as its a bit wobbly!


    Thanks for that, I only asked as it looked very well done and I have lots of fittings lying around. It looks better than the lemonade crate currently employed.


  10. Most clutches drag / dont disengage when cold. My method is to push the bike with engine running and slip it into gear, they ride about with the clutch leaver in and wait till it frees off.

    I think this method is slightly kinder to the gearbox / clutch.

    ATF / TQF for gearbox

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