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Posts posted by b40rt
  1. I'd give it a chance to clean out any build up of old 2stroke in engine / exhaust before looking for a problem. Then wet side crank seal. Burning engine / gear oil looks and smells differently from 2stroke.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 18 hours ago, section swept said:

    Think thats more to do with the adhesive on the stickers and the suitability of the plastic the tank is made from. 

    I'm sure that's true of many plastics, my experience is with Acerbis tanks and guards. Identical stickers will last till they wear away on guards, but lift rapidly on tanks. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, woody said:

    Common answer is petrol but if you look at the underneath of the tank is that discoloured too? Usually not, my SWM tank was still perfect yellow underneath and also under the tank badges if they were removed, whereas all surfaces touched by sunlight went darker.The entire tank surface should be affected if it's caused by petrol shouldn't it? Ultra violet from sunlight discolours plastic, just look at garden furniture or kids toys like slides, plastic bikes, swings etc.  If these tanks seeped petrol vapour like they're said to, if you left one in a closed garage for any length of time it should reek of petrol, so why don't I smell any?

    I agree that ultra violet must be a major factor,  however they definitely seep vapour as stickers last days rather than weeks before falling off. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Graham2 said:

    Where are you in the learning curve?

    I liked this idea when I was teaching......When I assessed my students I would ask myself, are they:

    1.       Unconsciously incompetent?

    2.       Consciously incompetent?

    3.       Consciously competent?

    4.       Unconsciously competent?


    1. I am unaware of what I need to know (or how to do it).

    2. I am aware what I need to know, (but struggle to do it)

    3. I can do it if I think about it

    4. I can do it without thinking


    I just thought I would share that thought... hope someone enjoys.



    Sorry to burst you bubble, but you sound fantastically smug. Ever counted up how many lives you have ruined ?

  5. 34 minutes ago, konrad said:

    If I'm not mistaken, that engine is based on Yamaha's TT-R125.  The pilot jet on the TT-R is notoriously small and easily plugged.  Just spraying carb clean at the carb won't fix it.   Remove the pilot jet and make sure you can see light through the orifice.  You can gently pass a fine wire thought the jet's orifice to clean it.

    What he said. 

  6. 54 minutes ago, scratcher said:

    Yea tried the reset. N ye think the bank sensor could be at fault..its started only fur a few seconds. But in reality i was using body spray not easy start..i will get some EASY START tomoro n give it a go..if i can get it to keep goin n keep sprayin it, it may pull the fuel thru n run on its own. I was thinkin it may have got a bit o water in the fuel some way but a doubt it..tank never went under..

    Good luck with that. Hard hats in the Motherwell area, look out for low flying cylinder heads ....

  7. 4 minutes ago, dan williams said:

    That’s ****** with a K to you. ?

    ... and really isn’t that what any forum is until the weather warms up again? ?

    ? thanks for explaining. Maybe you can help me ? Americans say "sold" with an "l" , yes ?  But solder turns into "soder"  Why ?

  8. 56 minutes ago, Sir Real Ed said:


    As my friends get sick of hearing, my opinion is that offense is always in the receiver, not the transmitter  ?  .  

    Then you'll not be offended when I say you sound like a compete wancer. 

  9. 10 minutes ago, totty79 said:

    They were fitted as instructed. They only wound out into the wood frame though and the door was weak enough to bend.

    They are subtle, but if left accessible could be cut with a grinder.


    Thanks for the info, I'll look at reinforcing the door with box section or similar. 

  10. On 12/29/2018 at 6:38 PM, totty79 said:

    I had a brake in with the locks in the link above, they simply bent the door. You need to prevent that with other devices or maybe by bracing between them.

    I've used them again on the new door, but into the ground not the frame and with a bar locked down on front of them.

    The instructions have you position the locks approx 300mm from ground, where were your original locks positioned ?

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