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Posts posted by b40rt
  1. 4 hours ago, jimmyl said:

    Soak them in water then wear them watching telly a few evenings 

    At beginning of trial, stand in water about 6" deep for as long as it takes to get boots saturated. Then ride trial, should be broken in by end. Dry in a cool draughty place. (this doesnt work for lorica as it doesnt seem to hold any water)

    • Like 1
  2. 3 hours ago, oni nou said:


    The main reason they do not like the off- roading is not the damage to the flora and fauna but the risk of huge forest fires which as anyone would know cause serious  expenditure to fight and control.


    Damage to flora and fauna is becoming more of an issue, every year. In many of the national parks you are not allowed to cycle or run !!

    Interestingly, where bikes have created / maintained a path, in the event of a forrest fire, the path forms a natural barrier and can help control spread.

    • Like 3
  3. On 12/19/2017 at 8:43 AM, turbofurball said:

    Do the police not have a database of known vins of stolen bikes?  How else are they going to identify them?

    The police probably have a haphazard system I have no doubt, but trials organisers have no access to it, so how would they check vins ?

  4. 42 minutes ago, ironbelly said:

    @b40rt seems you wasn't happy with your first reply that didn't get a response? So you want another go? I jumped the gun on the thread and private messaged those saying so! The fire has gone out and left the building fella.

    @ironbelly  It is an open forum !! 

     I've just never found the argument "if you disagree with me you must be jealous," a very convincing one.

    • Like 1
  5. I have used leather boots from many manufacturers, they all get soft and lose some protection, when saturated.

    Sidi, being made of Lorica, don't seem to suffer from this. I initially found them a bit clumsy, but soon got used to them. Definitely the best protection I've experienced. (Incidentally, they are small, go up one size)

    • Like 2
  6. 1 hour ago, nigel dabster said:

    the rules are there because Andy wishes them to be afaik, and he has what seems to me sensible reasons for them.

    If you chose to disagree take it up with him.

    I was only pointing out the obvious at least I thought it was.......

    afaik - Andy's rule book - no text speak !!!!!!

  7. Notable trials coming up in 2018 - Pre65 Scottish and SSDT. http://www.ssdt.org

    Highland 2 Day  http://www.idmcc.co.uk/highland-classic-trial/

    To compete in either of these, your biggest issue is going to be insurance. Both events would require re-patriation of some sort, usually from your governing body, IF that can be arranged ! Check this out first as your medical history will have a significant impact.

    • Like 1
  8. On 16/12/2017 at 10:06 PM, turbofurball said:

    without any coordinated system for checking VINs at all trials venues that probably won't change.

    Doesn't sound like you have much faith in the police ? 

    What database will the VIN's be checked against ?

  9. 3 hours ago, oni nou said:

    Plastic disc guards usually have a metal insert that stops the plastic being crushed and distorted and enables the head of the bolt that screws into the calliper to clamp tightly to the metal surface of the metal anti- crush insert.

    Echo ....

  10. 40 minutes ago, trapezeartist said:

    And one of the two bolts holding the front brake caliper also holds the plastic disc shield in place. That's a biggish bolt (M10?) that's reacting brake torque so you really don't want that one working loose.

    Metal inserting plastic shield ?

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