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Posts posted by b40rt
  1. 6 hours ago, faussy said:

    And after seeing the observing at the british rnd last weekend a lot of the observers too!!!

    Apply the no stop rule as an observer and you get sh*te from the rider. Allow a slight hesitation and you get sh*te from keyboard warriors.

    And we wonder why nobody wants to stand in the rain for hours .....

    • Like 6
  2. 4 hours ago, scotty810 said:

    Well I've switched to Bel Ray Synthetic.  Didn't open up the engine, just wanted to change premixes and see if that changed anything.  I've ridden a few tanks worth and no change.  Still has periods where it will run boggy after I shut it off and let it sit.


    However, I've noticed a new fact.  If I shut the bike off and continue sitting on it (bike stays basically upright), the next time I start it is when it will bog.  If I shut the bike off and put it on the side stand (right side of bike, so bike tilts over to the right) I don't have an issue when it starts back up.  So it appears as though the angle the bike sits at after shutting it off directly impacts how the bike will run after it starts.  Does this confirm the theory some of you have about the crank seal leaking?  

    Are you losing transmission oil ? Sounds like carb flooding, can you swap for a known good one ?

  3. On 24/09/2017 at 6:14 AM, billyt said:

    Not surprised this happened.  One of the concerns of having a shock and spring exposed is the spring taking a hit to a rock causing a point loading scenario.

    That can cause a small fracture and it will propagate and fracture the spring resulting a complete break of the spring.

    If the spring was given to a metalurgist he could quite quickly determine the cause of the failure.  







    Really ? So why don't twin shocks break springs regularly ?

    Any suggestions where I should start looking for "the point loading scenario" that caused my car coil spring to break ?

  4. 3 hours ago, turbofurball said:

    Because now, for much less money than a trials bike, you can get a nice full suspension mountain bike which doesn't need mucking about with premix or cleaning air filters every week, can be ridden anywhere, doesn't annoy people with noise, etc etc. ... and for most people it scratches the same itch.



    Fair point, I have a full sus mb, still prefer trials. Much less money ???




  5. 13 minutes ago, lopez said:

    But they don't have to die out.

    There has already been a lot of discussion in this thread about some of the reasons that new riders don't enter trials.......

    The common themes seem to be

    1) Accessibility/ease of use from an administrative perspective - ie joining, knowing when events are on, knowing where to go, facilities, advertising
    2) Once you find an event, general bewilderment/finding the sport confusing or difficult to break into as a novice
    3) Actual section difficulty.

    Multi course addresses 3) although it can actually inadvertently add to the issues caused by 2), but I don't think things like bike training and free entry and multiple classes/routes actually make the sport easier to get involved in. 

    Trials have never been easier to get involve in. Fact.

    20/30 years ago there was no internet to speak of, no advertising, post entries only, one route. 

    No sat nav either so finding venues could be challenging. 

    State of the art bikes weighted 95kg minimum, riding gear was crap by todays standards.

    None of the above stopped big entries or new riders getting involved - why is it so difficult now ?

    • Like 7
  6. 2 hours ago, crashmonkey said:

    The whole 'system' just feels as though it needs modernising in some way.

    The same go's for sending cheques off in the post and filling out forms! I mean come on surely there's got to be a better way of doing the entry's on the day, other than filling in badly photocopied entry forms in the rain with a pen that doesnt work whilst being blown sideways by a force 10!



    I agree completely, best solution is to get your mummy to do it for you.

    • Like 2
  7. 15 hours ago, wispyone said:

    Ha that's a point I need to add ratchet straps to the never ending shopping list :)

    Towbar, rack, ratchet straps, number plate board, ground anchor, another lock and chain ( have a decent one at present but not sure it's long enough for both bikes) bike stand......... oh and boots, trousers, jacket.    Gulp !

    And a bike.   :)

    Once you have all the gear above, its a relatively cheap sport. (Apart from breakages !!)

    • Like 1
  8. 5 minutes ago, scot taco said:

    Must sound different due to the longer header pipe? Does it sound better,worse or just different? 

    I do love the way my stock 199a sounds.












    Back box now half the width with single outlet, perforated tube type.

    • Like 1
  9. 7 hours ago, cub200 said:

    I don't know you baldilocks but you have mentioned a couple of times in your posts that we need more sections and therefore more observers, more trainers to conduct beginners sessions.

    Are you a rider, club official or just a commentator, because you might advise us how to find and encourage all these new helpers, that you suggest, into the sport !

    I honestly think from reading all the posts so far our sport will fade away in the next 10 years from lack of youngsters coming in, plus over exuberant section severity and we will be left with a bunch of old farts (like me) running twinshock, air cooled mono's, pre 2000 mono's, pre 2015 mono's and a few pre 65's, events.

    Am I being pessimistic or realistic ? 

    Just a little background info. I do know Baldilocks/Glen, he is a long time enthusiast with good intentions who does contribute to the sport. Trials run in his area are usually very good and well supported. 

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