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Posts posted by b40rt
  1. 7 hours ago, dadof2 said:


    I think it was the 349 Monts that had a quick release gearbox sprocket mechanism to enable gearing changes to be made quickly by the rider, In this case the main aim to give the motor an easier time on the roads.

    The 349 was good for 70mph or more, how much faster would you want to go ?

  2. 2 hours ago, metisse said:

    Being new to the Bultaco family even after nearly 37 years of trialing having never owned a Bultaco and only ever riding one in a trial once, I have sold a nice Pre 65 to reinvest in the marque. I read with interest this thread because I thought the 199b was the Bultaco I always wanted, and should buy,  only to find that many other people,  better qualified than me talked me out of it. When I was still adamant thats what I should buy several were for sale in France and also in Spain. This backs up the point  Dabster made about they are not that sought after in Spain,  or highly prized, perhaps like the Uk.  Many of my Spanish chums including El Puma think the 199a is the better bike .  Now this is not to say one is better than the other just to reliterate a point made earlier about the desirablility of one model over another.  I did out of interest buy a very nice 199a after doing my homework, its having a little bit or work done in Spain, I will report back when done what head steady it comes back with. 


    You having regression therapy H ?  See you the weekend after next ?

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  3. 2 hours ago, 2stroke4stroke said:


    There's a version of this up my way which uses Gas Gas mono front and back ends on a home built frame, but it is not out often enough to gauge performance.

    Its actually pretty good, the original carb was a bit like a switch, he's since fitted a smaller one to good effect.

  4. 44 minutes ago, cabby said:

    I absolutely disagree with newbies jumping in to trials rather than practise, possibly I'm in a minority of 1 but I believe a newbie will learn much more just practising the basics etc than diving in and getting stuck in sections all day long. 

    In this case, nowhere to go, and no one to practice with, I think this is the best option. The CCMCC usually have ideal entry sections, and friendly people.

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  5. 4 hours ago, goudrons said:


    I've ran mine since new in July 2016 with the 25ml mix and it's fine.

    BTW, some of the newer owners may discover that the plug soots up (even on 25ml) after a few hours.

    The BPMR6A is a little too cool for them, a BPMR4A has a little more of the tip protruding, runs a little hot and so far seems to work better.




    If your plug is sooted at 200 :  I , its more likly its running rich than anything to do with 2 stoke oil. 

  6. Check for air leak first, inlet tract if loose could be the problem.

    Not sure if climber disc valve timing the same as air cooled, if it is - lock crank at TDC, disc is just starting to cover port. I'll try and find the diagram. Sure Martin has it somewhere on his site.

  7. 2 hours ago, billyt said:

    Trying to use a water called engine piston in a air called engine is risky thing to do.  Why?  The clearance on a air cooled piston to cylinder is much larger to allow expansion of the pistons during running.  The whole idea of a water called engine is that the pistons and cylinder stay cooler and affording smaller clearances of piston to cylinder.  A piston of  a water cooled engine would be tighter  and could expand very easily seizing up the engine.    

    Why would you consider using water cooled clearances on an air cooled engine ? 

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