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Posts posted by b40rt
  1. 4 hours ago, nigel dabster said:

    what trials are you intending to ride where changing the angle by 1.5 dgrees will save you marks?

    Practise for the time it takes to strip the bike pay for the work and youll probably end up better off marks wise?

    @nigel dabster - spare frame  so no big deal if it doesnt work, and I can do it myself so cost is just time.    

  2. On 28/11/2015 at 10:42 AM, neil01 said:

    Thanks guys. No substitute for experience.


    I've done the footrest position but I can put that back to standard if I want to in the future - the headstock would be a different matter and I think I'll leave it well alone.


    New shocks and see how it goes, then.





    @neil01 - whats the verdict ?

  3. Oh dear. I should have known I would offend someone. But it's not rare for me to offend someone, so please don't be offended that I have offended you. :rolleyes:

    I wouldnt worry about it,Guys isnt that easily offended, unlike halfshaft !

    • Like 1
  4. How do you presume to know how much I or anyone else rides? Go ride with a motorcross helmet on, trust me, you'll notice the weight. Or maybe you're getting on in age (heaven forbid) and you have neck and back problems. Then you'll definitely notice.

    I rode 200 hours this season. Real hours, on an hour meter, not bull**** estimated hours. My neck is always killing me at the end of an event. But according to you I'm not riding enough, and since you said it on the internet it must be true...


    Lighten up for fecks sake, if you ride regularly and still have problems it may be a compound issue of foot rests to bars, height of bars, levers positions, poor suspension - the list goes on. Maybe your riding to much.....

    • Like 2
  5. Weight is important: you spend most of your time looking down and ahead, and if strains the neck. But only compared to a non - trials helmet. As long as you buy a decent quality trials helmet the weight should be around what you want. But it is your head after all, so why not buy the best (which will also be the lightest)

    If you notice the weight of your helmet, your not riding enough .......

    • Like 1
  6. I'm not making this up for once.

    A local Trials club; no names. is to stop serving soup ( FOC I may add ) to riders after the trial.

    Apparently a member pointed out at the AGM that a rider falling ill after partaking may leave the club wide to legal action.

    No way is this decision connected to the club being in the North East of Scotland an area noted for extreme thriftyness and deserted streets on poppy day.

    If you descended from the 42nd floor of "Breagh Tower", you would realise this is never going to happen.

  7. 'Generally' low compression will cause hard starting issues not poor idle etc and even if very worn still perform surprisingly well.

    I had a gasser 2010 EC250 enduro that had huge ring gaps (1.8 mm from memory!) but that bike ran sweet as and pulled like steam train....rattled like a spanner in christmas biscuit tin...but rang sweet as.

    What he said, had a rotax that was well worn and rattled as above, but started easily and ran well with plenty of power. (It was a dykes ring)

    • Like 1
  8. I dont disagree with any of the above. Will say i have had Betors on all my bikes and the ones on the James are 5 years old dont leak and i've never bent one yet. Perhaps i'm not trying hard enough ?

    My question is how much would it cost to have a pair of Falcons or Rockshocks rebuilt if you bent one as i have heard rumours its about the same as buying a new pair of Betors. Just wondered if anyone has had a pair rebuilt and knows the cost ?

    Last new damper rod I bought was £15 (RS), and easy to rebuild yourself. From what I've seen you post, you would find it easy to do.
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