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Posts posted by b40rt
  1. So there is no confusion, I'm not against young riders. Ok ?

    The point being there are some extremely talented young guys on trick bikes, and the danger is that sections are tightened up to take marks off them.

    The following youtube gives an example of a very talented rider, I have no idea who he is and I'm not picking on him or saying he's a pot hunter.

  2. Classic trials does not include big obstacles and such that would give a youth much advantage, It's more balance and control and to be honest most middle aged guys have more bulk and are more capable of man handling an old bike around anyway.

    Seems like some miserable old gits just don't want their 40+ odd years of experience shown up by a lad.

    Youths are the future of trials it doesn't matter if it's modern or classic.

    Contrary as always.

    "Classic Trials doesn't include big obstacles" you haven't ridden the pre 65 Scottish ?

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  3. Appreciate the response, but where does age come into 'pot hunter' and 'Genuine Enthusiast' ?

    My son is 13 - if he won it would be on ability, and he has equal or more genuine enthusiasm for Pre 65 than most people (he lives and breathes it)

    Pot hunters look for easy opposition, pre 65 enthusiasts ride for the sport.

    Haven't met your son so can't comment.

    Shame the Scottish 2 day doesnt do likewise IMHO

    Not many 13 year olds in the Pre65, or winners under 40.

  4. A bit off piste but I thought I would share....

    Me and my son ride twinshock (on Hondas) and Pre 65 on genuine pre 65 bikes

    We did our first vintage trial a few weeks ago, after joining the organisation, checking with the organisers etc. Had a great day, some very friendly guys, good trial.

    The following week we were at another (twinshock) trial, and were told confidentially that after the trial there were a couple of dissenters who thought "kids shouldn't be riding pre 65"

    Now my son is 13, a good rider, capable, organisation member, polite, respectful, helpful (he observed his allocated section for a lap no arguments) - and was riding probably one of the most eligible bikes there (1955 James) !

    Are we put off ? Far from it - I thanked the guy for him telling me, and said we will definitely be at the next trial !

    I understand this thread is about "rules" and invariably rules will always get bent to the point of breaking - what is that breaking point is the issue, but we cant let politics spoil a great days sport (which is the point of my post...... !



    Re young riders, the Classic Manx has a rule which states the winner must be over (40?) Younger riders still ride, and may have the lowest score. The age rule is to sort the pot hunter from the genuine enthusiast.

  5. So the shareholders don't want to risk their own money,but want the smaller workforce to work for less.Sounds a great way to motivate the staff to make the bikes properly,feel sorry for them

    Would you not require figures to make that statement ?

  6. Their sales downturned in the face of competition from the likes of Fantic, development was limited (Bulto painted their bikes blue and Ossa built the Gripper), Spanish labour laws wouldn't allow the slimming of the workforce, that only had one outcome. As previously posted, Mont would have gone under too if Honda hadn't got involved to get a foothold in the Spanish moped market. The list of casualties in the trials game is long and ongoing, SWM/Gori, Fantic as well. Is it passion for the sport taking pride over finances? Why have the Japs only ever really dipped their toes in now and again? Something has to be wrong with the sport somewhere down the line?

    Historical note, SWM didn't fail, government/unions intervened and owners moved on.

  7. Sorry b40rt I was referring to new bikes, I too love pre 65 and twin!

    I know ! Just trying to get a reaction, but can't help thinking the expanding twinshock pre 65 market must be affecting sales of "modern" bikes.

  8. I'd never go back to the Fantics/Seeley Hondas or Majesty Yams I rode in the 1980's, over a Beta Evo or 4RT from the 21st Century

    Each to their own, but surely it's about getting out and enjoying a day's trailing ? Twin shocks etc compete in their own classes, as I'm sure you know,so whether their brakes / suspension / mapping is better or worse isn't a factor.

  9. You must be a very delicate soul if "bollocks" constitutes a "verbal assault"

    Plenty of young riders in the north east and Highland 2 day. And as an aside, can't be much of a weight difference between good twin shock and a 4RT.

  10. Rose-tinted specs maybe, because an old Twinshock is old hat and won't attract young'uns

    Bollocks my friend ! Your confusing your prejudices with reality.

  11. The heavy bike fans have priced the classic side of the sport out of reach and will not attract new riders. Middle aged, high earning, riders started to pay over the odds for Fantics and Tlr's then spend 1000's tricking them up. Now a barn find Yam Ty isn't affordable anymore.

    Maybe they know something you don't ?

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