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Everything posted by davetom
  1. I had a standard piston after my last rebore, about 7.5 / 8:1. I turned 40 thou off the top and it became much better
  2. Mine uses a 622 Amal too, with a 3/4" tufnol manifold spacer
  3. I took 40thou off the top of the piston of my stock C15, makes it plonk better and less fussy to opening the throttle. Harder to stall too..
  4. It's just the ramblings of a bitter and twisted old man. He keeps going on about hangers on and cliques, but his was the first reply to the original post, so he was negative and derogatory from the word go. He wonders why I posted again after saying I wouldn't, well stop posting your bile, and we'll stop defending good manners on the forum. I built my first pre65 bike 4-5 yrs ago, after asking lots of questions on here, some stupid, some not, but luckily Ask Greeves didn't crawl from under his bridge to abuse me for not knowing the answer to my own question, and all I got was friendly help and knowledge. Shame he can't do the same?
  5. More like impertinent ! Your 'input' as you flatter yourself by calling it, was to tell him to 'work it out for his self' ,and by having his crank balanced you surmised that this may remove any remaining Heritage from his bike ! The question was about crank balancing, not scrapping the Monarchy. What are you like on more serious issues for chrissakes . Jon wanted pertinent input that's why he asked a question. ! Ps, I know no one personally on this forum and am not aware of being invited into a 'clique'
  6. Disagreement, opinions, guesses, I welcome them, that's what forums are about and here for. Bad manners and rudeness they ain't here for. You got stuck in a corner and you dug deeper. I'm not rising to your bait and won't post further on here, your doing just fine on your own.
  7. Hey ' Ask Greeves', isn't this all getting a bit childish? Jon asked a perfectly sensible question about a classic trials engine, parts of which may have been altered, drilled, changed for rebore etc over the decades since it came off the line. You then suggest he doesn't know what he's on about and rant against modern technology . He backs up his question and experience by referencing his day job and examples where modern tech helps old tech. Other experienced, knowledgable people back up the use of modern tech. You then rubbish that answer suggesting cars aren't relevant, when he was only answering your initial rude inference. Face it mate, you should have just been a gentleman first time round and apologised
  8. Definitely Perrin, it's his first pre 65 trials bike
  9. Most Super Unleaded is Ethanol free , but it's still a minefield.. It lifted the Petseal on my A65 and I had to strip it out. During this process I managed to lift the external paint too, and a re spray was required.. Ethanol also attacked the petrol tap rubbers on my C15 T, although that was an easy cure obviously
  10. It's a Bantam being built by Ben Perrin down Bristol way.
  11. Glad you've solved it, something else to look out for..
  12. Does it still lock up if the rear wheel is off the floor? Mine only locked up if I was sat on it ( ie in a trial)
  13. I had a similar problem that turned out to be that the rear wheel was out of line and the chain was trying to ride over the rear sprocket, stopping the wheel. I know you said it only happens in gear but worth a look ( it only happened when going backwards)
  14. My friend is just ordering the parts he needs so hopefully he's sussed it.. I'll post up any info he finds for reference
  15. Thanks Bashplate ! I have just had my first pair of reading glasses though so it might be me?
  16. Maybe it's my eyes but I really struggle to read Bashplate's italics..
  17. The tops are tapered, here's the yokes
  18. Hi all, a friend has these on a Bantam but what are they exactly? He needs some parts and wants to be sure Thanks in advance, Dave
  19. Yes, I had similar idea, turn one up in ally, drill it, then cut in half. Think I'll find something suitable though, I'm prob just being a bit of a tart !
  20. Thanks, I'll measure up when I get home. I'm sat waiting to be discharged after a hernia op! I did look on eBay , but a lot of the fine pitch ones are roughly 2" each end, to go over the shrouds at the top. Just hoping that someone else had had the same thoughts and solved it- usually the case on here
  21. Hi, just had Alan Whitton work his magic on some old Long Roadholders and some not so old 'zocchis.. I'd like to use gaiters to keep the stanchions in good nick and I want them to look pleasing to my eye too. Anyone know offhand which ones will fit nicely to the 35mm and also the top of the Roadholders? I want them to be a relatively fine 'pitch', ones in pics I've seen have about 15 'teeth' if you know what I mean, I'm really not keen on the coarse ones with about 8 'teeth' Ta very much
  22. There's a 20" Avon trials tyre on EBay, not cheap though as its in US http://bit.ly/160rbMq
  23. 5/16 BSF. I bought set pins and nuts then cut to suit. ' Namrick' online do them up to 3" if your planning something really ambitious .. Edit to add: just looked at their site, they do 1 ft of 5/16 bsf thread for
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