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Everything posted by davetom
  1. I'll second that, it looks just fine as it is- they're only truly original once.
  2. davetom

    Bsa C15

    Very charitable of him to spend
  3. Nice feature in this months Classic Bike mag of Mick Grant and Jamie Whittam riding a Drayton Bantam, a Cub, and an Ariel
  4. Blimey, lot of chat about 1/8" ! The working centreline of the tyre must be wandering all over the place over different cambers and terrain, and the forks probably deflect more than that at the first sign of mud anyway
  5. Andy said "see you Sunday " so presume alls well. To be fair he said the Red Marley course was fine, just the public parking areas boggy
  6. Thought this may have been mentioned but obviously not, Red Marley is all cancelled due to farmers concern about waterlogged car park.Andy Hunt ( clerk of course ) phoned us BMCA'ers this afternoon
  7. davetom


    Even as a novice, I noticed how soft the IRC is unless its at 6- 6.5, and I found I seem to struggle in soft mud ( I'm 13 stone). What pressure are you running the tubeless( with a tube in) in the sticky stuff?
  8. I agree that its not a great idea to have everyone effectively MOT`ing their own bikes, we all know people who are not as able with the spanners as they think they are, or (in my experience) too bloody tight to change crumbling tyres, wobbly bearings etc,and it could have repercussions if god forbid there was a nasty accident. I have no legal knowledge but surely there must be a shift in liabilty too, as although it was always the owners responsibility to ensure roadworthiness, at least before you could plead a little ignorance and state that it was after all MOT`ed last week etc, but now you dont have that get-out clause. I was happy paying £40 per bike a year for a test cert, even though my last one on my HT at a `friendly` test centre involved nothing more than the guy sitting on the saddle, tweaking the horn, saying `nice bike mate, stick it back in the van`! Honestly, it was inside the test centre less than 2 mins !
  9. Thanks lads, found it now, it was feb and march '10. Cheers
  10. Anyone remember which issues Classic Bike mag featured a rigid Bantam trials build ?
  11. It's in Rupert Ratio, page 109 under 'other details..' 3rd para. Basically, fit the rack fully into its recess in outer cover, tap lever clockwise as spindle is left hand thread. Pinion won't move as rack is bottomed out
  12. As a casual observer of this thread, I'd just like to put a word in for OTF, Charlie and Woody ( not that they need it ) but their points were well intentioned but seem to have been thrown back at them a little too readily. The eligibility question in pre 65 is always a hot topic and yes you could just put knobblies on a D1 Bantam but not many really would just do that.Competitive riders want competitive bikes so its nice to know what's in or what's out and as a novice clubman like wot I am, if I were to build a replica bike of a top three Scottish finisher, would I get an entry ? I noticed that Hondars250 has a Whitton frame, is that just because you like the chap and wanted to keep him busy, or to gain a little advantage over a standard pre 65 frame? I only joined the wonderful world of pre65 a couple of years ago and the 3 chaps I mentioned were quick to offer support and knowledge as I built my bike, and I'm not the only one they've helped, they're hearts are in it so they deserve a little more respect in what is a DISCUSSION forum on pre 65.
  13. Thanks Jon, too busy at work though to get out and find local machine shop. Terry Weedy says he can do me one in about a week
  14. Anyone know where I can get a 428 59t sprocket, 148 id 170 pcd for my old rickman hub? The chap at rickman isn't in today and Talon want 2-4 weeks to machine one.... Thanks
  15. Blame that clown Cameron for urging the masses to panic buy and hoard fuel...absolutely ridiculous! Hope you get to your trial
  16. Meant to add that I found out from a 4 wheel drive forum
  17. Like all loopholes, it'll probably get shut at some point but while its still open I thought it worth sharing. I won't need one for another 20 yrs so not bothered but might be a few hard up lads out there who can get in before it stops. Or would you rather I removed the post?
  18. If you have a set of bottles but,like me, you don't have any paperwork for them,HSS hire will exchange them without any questions! I've just emptied my acetelene after about 20 yrs use and have exchanged for another full size for 47 quid. Saves on BOC rental ....
  19. Whilst its admirable that you`re thinking about the influx of new blood into the sport, its inevitable that numbers will decline, as most kids today have no connection with the bikes and just don`t `get` it. Unless they are in a family of pre65 riders/fans, they have about as much interest in them as they do in steam trains, gramaphones or other out moded items of past technology. You can`t blame the schools directly, there aren`t many(any ?) proper jobs or apprenticeships in engineering, construction etc that academically hopeless but hands on kids ( like I was ) can go into and learn a few skills these days, and `Mac` jobs paying minimum wage are the reason most kids stay on at Uni in the hope of avoiding. There`s no shortage of young kids riding motocross, enduro, modern trials, mountain-biking, bmxing, karting, sailing, snowboarding, they`re not all on Playstations in their bedrooms. The VMCC have noticed the numbers going down so they`ve been running `training days`, where you get to ride 25-30 bikes for about
  20. Hi Charlie, I`ve just found an excellent website- `speedtracktales` that is full of pics and info from old ISDT`s, and there`s a mention of a C.A.Kemp retiring on a 175 Triumph at the `62 ISDT. When I next see him I`ll ask if he uses his middle name now ,Anthony, and the C could be his proper christian name? He said he rode at Garmisch so that tallies up. I just found it interesting that this quiet old chap who has a pint with his wife at our club was a bit of a rider in his day. Hope you have some luck at your end, thanks for trying, regards, Dave
  21. Earlier this summer,rode my HT up to Solihull British Legion where I play snooker and meet my mates, when an old chap who I`ve often said hello to but never really spoke to showed an interest in my bike. Turns out he rode in ISDT`s on Triumphs in early 60`s( Wales and Garmisch) and rode works James ( I think) at some stage. He said he rode sleeved down 175 Cubs in ISDTs amongst other things, and since then I`ve done some work at his house, where he took me to his garage and showed me a pretty impressive large cardboard box of trials/scrambles trophys from 50s/60s. He`s early 80s now but still fit and well and wonder if any old friends/foes are on here?
  22. I only live 4 mile from Earlswood, but I dont know steve Hays farm unfortunately. I have a rough idea, just hoped someone could be exact. Cheers
  23. Can anyone give me the address for tomorrow, never done a BMCA trial before, but as its on my doorstep it would be rude to miss it. Searched on net but no joy.. cheers
  24. Gotta build up my first Ariel 500 bottom end, any tips or things to aim for? Also, the roller bearing numbers would be useful so I can get some locally. I`m having the crankpin done for me, as haven`t got a press nor the experience to do one myself. What sort of end-float should I aim for? cheers
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