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  1. Hi there I'm in South Yorkshire , but used to paying p/p has its 30 mile plus to my nearest shop . As to the price cheaper the better for braketec front master cylinder . Motormerlin ive just seen £76 . Cheers Dave
  2. Eh op where is the best place to purchase a braketec front master cylinder for my 2014 racing 250 . Thinking the one on eBay at £88 is a bit steep . Do you know any cheaper . Thanks Dave .
  3. Is there anyone out there got a owners manual 1977 TY who can photocopy me a copy , or PDF . Cheers .
  4. davet

    1974 Ty 250 Manual

    Cheers Kev my mate may forward is email address . Thanks.
  5. davet


  6. Can anybody advise me on which plate to use so I can manipulate to shape . Thought 6mm thickness but open to your knowledge . Plus thinking of 3mm sheet to make a side panel .
  7. davet

    1974 Ty 250 Manual

    Cheers Tony I'm on it ...
  8. Eh op does any one no where I could purchase a manual for a 1974 TY 250 , or download one off Internet . Thanks in advance . Dave
  9. davet

    1977 Ty 250

    Eh op all . Trying to source a manual any ideas , links or leads . Thanks in advance Dave
  10. Simples cheers Suzuki 250
  11. Hi there I'm after some info regarding bsa c15 . I am going to fit 14 tooth front & 64 tooth rear sprocket , will a 134 link chain be long enough . There was no chain when I bought bike to restore , so knowledge lacking . Thanks in advance Dave
  12. Can anyone give ma any info which will aid me in removing the inner timing cover , it seems to be sticking round the kickstart shaft . It seems I don't have the knack removed all bolts but cant get off said part .
  13. davet

    Brake Shoes

    No it's for my 1960 bsa c15 trying to find out what's the best brake shoes or which other riders prefer .
  14. Which brake shoes do you recommend and why ?
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