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Everything posted by oxboy
  1. Hi Have alook at the North Berks web site, they run trials around the Didcot area, well run club with good venues, including Seymours Arena, Regards Bob
  2. Hi Have a look on Ebay at item No 200309498600 sold by Transtools or MachineMart, both are reasonably priced and should do the job OXBOY
  3. Hi Ive recovered a couple of seats on my lads MX bike, the only thing that will drive the staples into a plastic base is a compressed air gun, its probaly cheaper to get an upholsterer to do it ( it would only take them 5 mins ) than to go out and buy a gun OXBOY
  4. Hi Martin Try Colin at TYOFFROAD, he says on his web site he is about to start making tubeless rims ( Mont style ) for twinshocks Regards OXBOY
  5. oxboy

    Tlr 200 Spares

    Hi Martin There is a canister for sale on Ebay Regards OXBOY
  6. oxboy

    Tlr 200 Spares

    Hi Martin ive had a look on the Lings web site, they have the carb floats in stock, but it says to ring them for the air filter canaster Carb Float Part No 16013286014
  7. oxboy

    Tlr 200 Spares

    Hi Ive just finished a tlr200 project, the best place i found for new spares was Lings, you need to know the part number, you can find these at the CMS website, they are Reflex part numbers but they are the same as TLRs Plus postage is free with orders over
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