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I've searched a bit and have seen a few notes on this, but wanted to discuss further without hijacking another not-quite-related thread ... How often are folks changing their 4RT oil filters compared to the engine oil itself? That fiter is a definite drag, but I'd like to keep putting fresh blood the bike ... seems like there is still a lot of value in doing so even without changing the filter, yes? (and is it me? am I the only one who has to replace the dang LHS cover gasket whenever I change the filter?) Thanks in advance, Jeff
Well, I ended up getting a Monty 4RT locally - dude at my company was selling one in great condition for under $5k, so I went for it. About $3k less than the Sherco was going to do to me. Now the fiancee and I have the same bike, which is handy for lots of reasons ... Thanks for the all input, folks. Maybe after I ride a few years I'll want something with more giddyup, but I suspect the Monty will suit me fine for now.
Yep, bummer ... he was following in someone's dust, couldn't see a rock and went over the handlebars. Busted leg.
Well, how does the 2008 Beta Rev 4 "300 Racing Edition" compare to the standard 250 flavor? That's what I'm looking at buying right now, and comparing it to the Montesa 4RT (which I can get for the same amount, though a year older and not in as good a shape ...)
Ah, the plot thickens ... now it looks like I have the following 3 options. - 2007 Monty 4RT in good condition for about $6.5k - 2008 Beta Rev 4T Race in very good condition for about $6.5k - 2009 Sherco 3.2 brand new for $7.5k or so From most of the input, it sounds like the 3.2 should be out for a beginner. That leaves the 4RT vs. the Beta. I've ridden the '05 4RT and liked it a lot ... which I know doesn't give you much info about what I like , but just as a guess, would the Beta feel like that but "better" somehow? It sounds like, esp. in "Race" form, it will feel lighter and more powerful, but just as smooth and maybe more nimble than the 4RT? Also build quality on both is supposed to be good, yes?
Exactly - so would position 1 maybe yield a map that was considerably friendlier than what has been described? Edit: Oh, I also noted that someof the "guards" - front disc, sprocket, chain,etc. - were totally crappy plastic jobbers. Is there a reasonable aftermarket for the 3.2 for stuff like this? I know where to get Monty parts, I'm less clear what's available for Shercos in general and this Sherco in particular ... Another edit: Just found out that it will be hell to get a new montesa into the US, due to EPA problems ... so getting a new one of those is likely a no-go at this point. Boo.
I just went down and looked at the 2009 Sherco 3.2 4T at our local dealer. Very small shop, but good guy named Frank there and has a unit going for a discount. Very tempting, jus because it's soooooo easy - he's literally 3 minutes down the road from me. I note that that model has a two-map switch. I haven't heard anyone discuss that ... is it possible the "friendly" mode is considerably friendlier than what folks have been discussing? Or is most of the feedback based on "friendly" mode and the faster mode is for ... something else ...? Also, when folks say the bike is "tiring to ride", what does that mean, exactly? How is it more tiring than another 4-stroke, or a 2-stroke? Thanks for all the great info, folks. Very helpful.
I'm trying to figure ot which 4-stroke to get, so the Monty 4RT, and Beta and Sherco offerings are all on the table. I'm not new to motos - I have dualsport bikes, dirt bikes, sportbikes, etc. and have ridden them all quite a bit - but more or less new to trials (e.g. I'd enter novice). I actually owned a 4RT for awhile and quite liked it - mellow with enough powr and I got to the point I could do reasonably controlled wheel lifts, but never reall got to actually going over logs/rocks/whatever ... so yes, newbie. Would the 3.2 be too "aggressive" for me? The local dealer has a 2009 on the floor for $7k, and it's looking awfully tempting, compard to the hassle of finding a used Monty, the cost/hassle of getting a new one, or tracking down someone who actually sells the Beta ... Edit: and oh yeah, what is the noise level like on the 3.2? And is it/would it feel lighter than an '05 4RT?
Still trying to find a quasi-local Beta dealer that actually sells the trials bikes, but I did talk to our local Sherco dealer and he has a 2009 3.2 4T sitting there, selling for about $7k. My understanding is that it's more "aggressive" than the Montesa, so I'm wondering how much I'd like it. It's not like I'm new to motos - I have dualsports, dirt bikes, a sport bike, and lots of experience riding them all - but definitely new to trials. Would te 3.2 just be too terrifying to learn on?
Great tips and advice ... though sadly, this particular Monty is already sold. Boo.
Ah yes ... that does indeed sound nice ... I wonder how much it would cost to get it shipped up here? (I'm in Seattle) ...
"Anymore" ... if 4-strokes are so much inferior to 2-strokes, why are more and more companies adding new 4-stroke models? Who are they aimed at? If it's novice/intermediate/early expert-ish riders, that will be me for my entire life, likely, or at least for years and years. So are 4-strokes more appropriate then? Do we really know how different Bou's Monty is from what you can buy? Even if it's a big diff and the public 4RT isn't as good, it sure seems to undermine the "4-strokes suck" theme when the top riders at that level ARE in fact on 4-strokes ... My biggest physical gripes with 2-stroke are noise and smell. We live in a fairly tight neighborhood and are riding the thing in the backyard as the only way to practice for miles and miles around, particularly as our best local riding area was just closed. 2-strokes DO have a more shrill sound, that I do find more obnoxious, and they aren't called "smokers" for nothing. My fiancee's 4RT putters around back there just fine, with no obnoxious noise at all. Maybe when the motor is pinne revving it before a climb the Monty is louder, but I guess I haven't seen hat true at rev levels below that ...
You are talking about the Beta and Sherco 4-strokes, yes?
Howdy - I'm in a bit of a bind, though not a bad one to be in. Short form: I bought a 2005 Monty 4RT from a friend, and I loved it but didn't ride it enough. Tried to sell it, was going to get a crappy price for it, so my finacee ended up buying it on a bit of a lark. She hadn't ridden trials before, but now is totally into it, the backyard is a trials course, and ... you guessed it, now I'm in the market for another trials bike. So I am obviously leaning towards finding a good deal on a used 4RT (and am even playing with getting a new one up in Canada), but I was trying to get a sense of the other 4-strokes that have popped up since I got the Monty originally. Beta has one, as well as Sherco ... how do these end up comparing to the 4RT? Thanks in advance for any help! p.s. and I'm confing my search mostly to 4-strokes for various reasons - fuss, traction, noise, "modern-ness", etc. Feel free to comment on that as well, if you'd like, but I'm pretty sold on this aspect of the plan ...