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Everything posted by hoggle
  1. I had a great day, but I apologise to anyone who has taken any notice of anything I have written and urge you to not do so in the future. It is clear I don't know what I'm talking about! laugh.gif Graham It's the first line that you said that makes it so worthwhile ! I also have taken up the Sport after a long absence, and this time round it's purely for fun. I turned 40 a couple of weeks back and can't believe how much i enjoy going along to the various meetings i attend, though it's hard work but well worth it !
  2. Third vote, Nikwax................ just make sure that you spend time rubbing the Wax into the Leather with your fingers and not just smear it on. Also, remember to pay particular attention to all the seams and Stitchwork as this is where the Boots will fail, plus the more often you do this ( Particularly when boots are getting wet a lot ) the longer your Boots will last and stay waterproof !
  3. Could someone tell me what " Road Events" consist of ? Iv'e read/heard of this, and have no idea if it's a different thing to the sections that you usually find at meetings ! I also hope that it's not something obvious and i'm going to look stupid .............................. Again !
  4. Guess which sort i purchased ................. the Wee Guys ! Bassa, might just fling the Buggers in the back of the Drawers and Buy the Long ones. No point in finding out the Short Socks leak when when it's too late !
  5. Iv'e only been riding for about Six months, and i bought a 2005 Gas Gas pro 250 as my first Bike. Since iv'e nothing to compare it with i couldn't say which Bike would be better, though i Honestly don't think the 250 is too much for me ! Though the step up from a 125 i would assume would be quite noticeable. Why not try a few out if it's possible, then you would have a better feel at what you need !
  6. I'm newish to the Sport too, So i use Ipone Strawberry two stroke oil which comes with a built in measurer. I just squeeze the required amount up the tube on the bottle ( 80-1 ) then just add to one full Green plastic Petrol can ( 5 Liters ), Easy!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Good advice 2/4............... will be investing in a Pair then ! Though any advice on the Wrist problem would also be appreciated !
  8. Does anyone know if there is an Optimum width for Handle bars as per Height and size etc ? The reason i'm asking is ....... I'm only 5ft 6ish and after riding a Trials ( Say 4 hours or so ) the outside of my wrists are painful for a few days afterwords. Could this be because the width of the bars are simply two wide for my Height and Length of arms ? Though surely if you have wide shoulders the Height factor will have nothing to do with it ! I'm relatively new to Trials so it could well be that my wrists are not yet used to the bending and Gripping that goes with riding the bike. If anyone does have an opinion on this i would be Grateful as my sore wrists are affecting my grip at nights !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Best idea is to go to your local Bike dealer and try on the various selection, i have the oiled Gaerne Boots, though my legs are like Pipe cleaners so i can't help you there !
  10. You have got it spot on regarding the tensioner problem, iv'e only had the Bike for a few months and was wondering why the gap was receding between the tensioner and the swing arm, i now realize what has to be done ! So no, forget about the senior moment, and i should try to be more specific. and thanks too !
  11. This may sound stupid to you Guys, how do you go about slackening off the chain as the tensioner is now hitting the Swing arm ? Is it as simple as loosening the sail cams and the Chain will then have the desired gap between the Tensioner and the swing arm again ? And also why does the gap recede after a couple of months riding !
  12. Defo try on as many as possible, as head shapes differ quite a lot ! Though as Perce says, go for the Airoh Rock if it's a good fit, i did and and can't fault it, lighweight with an removable inner so you don't have a smelly helmet........................... !
  13. Is there anybody out there that knows why there is a big difference in the pulling in the Clutch of a Gas Gas 250 2005 and a Sherco 290 same yearish ! The reason being i had a shot of a Pals Sherco and to pull in the Clutch requires little effort, though, my Gas Gas is much more stiffer. I have to use two fingers every now and again as the pressure required to hold it in leaves my Fingers tired, but on the Sherco it's a Doddle !
  14. I bought the above item, as I'm new to Trials and my riding style is not up to scratch ! When i started off a few months ago i noticed that the Chain was rubbing on my Boots, and since the Boots were near
  15. My guess is that the surrounding area has not been heat tested, for the extra temperature the Halogen will produce ! So the choice is yours !
  16. If you are after a small van, i have a Vauxhall Combo with a sliding side door. My bike fits in no bother and still space for all the other gear needed, and has the rings on the floor for tie downs. Though i would rather prefer a VW Transporter but due to cost etc the Combo is ok for my needs.
  17. It's when i pull off at first, then when i give it some gas the bike stutters, and when you give it a bit more there's no response ! Could it be that i put too much Filter oil on the Filter ? I adjusted the Mix screw at the weekend to 1 and a half full turns out, i was told that that was the best position, the bike was running fine last week, so i may have been responsible for the problem myself ! I thought that if i asked someone might give me a few pointers.
  18. When first started my Gas Gas 250 pro 05 will not rev out fully it sort of labors, stutters when revving fully and when put in gear it stutters too. Though when up to temp it sorts itself out and seems alright ! I have been adjusting the mix screw, could this be the problem ? Many thanks for any reply's, Stuart.
  19. Instead of the "hard shell" type, i bought a pair of padded Neoprene Knee sleeve pads from Proline. These fit under my Jitsie trousers fine, i know they won't offer the same sort of protection as the Hard shell type but they don't restrict movement though they they do feel as they hold all the components of the Knee together !
  20. Thats that sorted then Jan ! I will do ask ( and have done already) when i have a problem.
  21. Thanks for that MIKEE, though i saved that, that was for the parts list and not the Manual ! I was wondering if the manual for the 2004 is the same as the 2005, maybe this is why the 2005 is not available !
  22. I carry a spare too, and was told to change it if you think the one that's on the bike is Goosed ! So i will leave alone till i reckon it's knackered !
  23. Hi, I was wondering if anyone could let me know why i am unable to find the Gas Gas manual online for the the year 2005, i have been on the Gas Gas UK website and it says it's unavailable !
  24. Thanks for that Fivemeister, though what can i do to clean the chain before i apply the Wd/3 in one..etc ?
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